University of Alabama Class of 2026 Admissions

Do students who are eligible for merit scholarships need to send in mid-year transcripts?

My DS’s regional recruiter mention a cut off date of May 1 for students (he was admitted) to send updated transcripts to the regional recruiter. In his case, it needs to come directly from the high school counselor to be considered official. It doesn’t sound mandatory, but I assume if the grades change enough, there could potentially be more merit available? Just my impression and two cents.

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My son got into Blount as well. It looks like a very fun community!


Does anyone have an idea of whether kids in Blount end up taking longer to graduate to fit the required classes in?

It shouldn’t be an issue as the Blount classes count as your minor.

I hope so. It feels like some packed semesters trying to get the BUI 301 classes in.

I just looked in my portal and I got a total of $42k in scholarships for OOS. I need to decide if I take this offer or pay OOS full tuition for Purdue.


Congrats! So did you get a competitive merit scholarship of full tuition and then some other mini scholarships to add up to $42k, or how does that work? I applied to an alumni scholarship of some sort that I think they say releases in early March, and then I’m waiting on round 3 of competitive merit scholarships. Really need to look at my portal but I’m at school right now and am not allowed to have my phone on me, and I can’t get in because of the dumb DUO push :sob: just wondering if mine updated or something without an email. Did you get an email notification to know to look?

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How do you see what scholarship money you’ve been offered? It looks like the whole interface has changed. I can’t even see the 28k I get automatically and only see my 5,500 federal loan.

Congrats!! Where did you see this in your portal?

I did not get an email. I had no idea I had gotten any money. There are 4 different amounts listed.

The $28K is now missing from my student’s portal, too.

Go to Click on admissions and scholarships. Go to application status under undergraduate admission, then click on site map on top right corner, financial aid, and then I think it was awards. Very tricky to find.

Interesting! I guess mine is behind or something because it only shows my dumb loan. I know I get at least the 28k scholarship because I got a letter in the mail about it, so mine must just not be all the way updated
will have to wait and see.

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Are you checking the right place? I don’t see any loans on mine. Did you click on awards?

I found the [EDIT PINNED LINKS] function on myBama useful.
Click “Add Pinned Link”
Type “award
” in the search edit box,
Select the “Award History” option.
A new [Awards History] button will appear in the Pinned Links section on myBama.

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Same thing for me.

Is that $42000 for each year? Or the total amount and then divided by 4 years? Is that COA+ then?


It is a renewable scholarship

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I’m just confused as National Merit is a full COA for five years plus stipends. What additional would you want? They literally give you everything. I’ve known several NMF to go to Alabama, they get full COA, but that is all I’ve ever heard of.