University of Alabama Class of 2026 Admissions

I just received this email from the scholarship department: “Some of the competitive scholarships can be stacked with the National merit/automatic merit scholarship offers. We are sending our a consolidated offer letters in early March that will have any scholarship offers made from all departments across campus, including ours. There are no additional steps to take for scholarship consideration at this point.”
I’m so frustrated- my daughter did not fill out that supplemental application, so I guess she isn’t going to be considered. We had no idea anything could possibly stack on top of the national merit finalist scholarship package. They also have a 35 ACT composite on file for her and she ended up getting a 36 back in October. I wonder if I should even bother sending that?

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Thanks for sharing that info.

I would email them and see if it would help to update the ACT score and also ask if there’s any way she can be considered for the extra scholarships.

We literally called and talked to our admissions counselor and was told not stackable if she gets national merit!

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And so my daughter did not submit either :frowning:

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After telling me she didn’t need to do anything else I followed up and quoted one page on their website that said the supplemental app had to be filled out and she responded for me to go ahead and send in her 36. I just ordered it and she emailed me again and said she cannot fill out the supplemental scholarship application at this point but she will be considered for other automatic scholarships. I don’t want to be greedy, but it’s a little upsetting because the policy was not clear and you hate to leave money on the table. The scholarship page states: If you are awarded a UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship but also meet the criteria for one or more Automatic Merit Scholarships, you will receive the highest of the scholarship offers. . She contradicted that by stating some scholarships would stack with national merit or presidential elite, and had we known that she would’ve definitely filled it out. Anyway, just wanted to share in case that info might help anyone else.

I’m thinking the policy on the website is correct. I’m scouring the Internet and I can’t find anyone stating they had other scholarships (other than private, outside scholarships) combined with NMF at Alabama.

I agree. We won’t submit anything else bc I can’t imagine UA will give anything else.

Highest auto merit OOS is the Presidential at $28k.

Actually, it’s the NMF scholarship which currently is ten semesters of tuition, eight semesters of housing, a $3500/yr stipend for four years, a $500/yr book allowance for four years, and $2000 for overseas study. S22 has received this scholarship.

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Well, yes, NMF is the top.
As for stacking. I know you CAN stack the $2500 department scholarships on top of the automatic merit.

My D22 was set for basically free tuition. Yet chose to attend Vanderbilt instead. :woman_shrugging:t2::confounded::moneybag:

OMG, this is exactly how TAMU does it, and it’s so frustrating! I’m an Aggie, and it’s super disappointing, to put it lightly. The “no rhyme or reason” sums it up perfectly. Not a peep since my daughter applied in August.

I love this … promising students are treated like top athletic recruits. As it should be!


Does anyone know when Blount decisions are sent out?

Wondering the same thing. I thought they said march 1st during interviews

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I wrote down that we’d know by/on March 1.

That’s what I remember as well.

Decisions are out now. My daughter was accepted.


Just got my email. I got in! This most likely seals the deal for me. Bama bound!


My DS just got email that scholarship notices will come out “late next week”


Both my girls got into blount