University of Alabama Class of 2026 Admissions

Correction it’s an subsidized loan.

If you received the presidential automatic scholarship is there any reason to submit the competitive scholarship app or are those only for test optional students?


My kid did just in case.

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S22, wife, and I attended the Capstone Scholars program on campus yesterday. We were shocked at the geographic breadth of the attendees. We drove in from Tennessee, but fully half of everyone there was OOS. We saw admitted students from Utah, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Florida, Texas, and Maryland. We thought we traveled far!

We really didn’t see much of anything new except for presentations by the current Randall Research Scholars. I was quite impressed. S22 has applied, and I hope he is invited to interview. Since he likely will be NMF the scholarship is unreal.

They are very serious about student mentoring. We heard that a lot.

Several current Alabama students we talked to are graduating with multiple graduate degrees in ten semesters (so a MBA, MS, and BS).

The dorms are the nicest we have seen.

S22 decided to withdraw all his other applications on the way home last night. So, he is committing to ‘Bama. RTR.


Congrats on the decision!

And thanks for the feedback. We weren’t able to get there yesterday. Sounds like a great day though.

So 2nd round of competitive scholarships are due out "early February "…anyone ever hear of an exact date when touring??

What’s the deal on housing? My D22 has not yet decided if they will attend. Still waiting for many college decisions to come in. Can we pay a housing deposit without fully committing to the school?


My DS22 was also admitted, but waiting on other college decisions to come out. The way I understand the housing registration is - we have to pay the non refundable UA enrollment registration, then the housing refundable deposit after that. We decided to wait. Feb 1 was a bit too early for us.
At least this is my interpretation from what I’ve read so far.


My D22 is the same as @NorCal925. Alabama is still on her list, but she is just not willing to commit mentally…therefore I am not willing to commit financially…until she hears back from her two “reach” schools and visits another school where she has already been admitted.

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Does anyone have any insight on round 2 of competitive scholarship decisions? I was rolled to round 2 and I believe they said “early February,” so I’m guessing sometime this coming week?

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Someone mentioned 2/15.


Well, I just got an email and I was rolled to round 3. This is getting ridiculous. I applied by time to be in round 1, and then I was rolled to round 2, now I’m round 3.


Same for my son

Same- rolled to third round.
Daughter already decided 99.5% on another school but was wanting to see how much merit she got just out of curiosity. I’m going to encourage her to withdraw / decline her acceptance. Anyone know how to do that ?

We emailed admissions directly to decline and got an email reply from her area recruiter who said she would handle it from there.

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$15K/yearly competitive merit awarded today. OOS and test optional. She will be declining her acceptance though. 4.6 GPA and 8 APs. Highest rigor all 4 years.

Dd was also moved to third round even though she applied early.

@pepperJo - your daughter sounds very accomplished and has worked so hard. sorry about this all. she will do great where she lands.

this reminds me of 2 yrs ago; our high stats kid (34/3.95UW) did not get top merit at another high-merit school - UofAZ. His one B in sophomore year spanish knocked him down a full level of merit. Today UofAZ values GPA as top factor; . UofAL uses both scores/gpa. We didnt quite understand it all; but realized it is the schools’ choice on all this; and they are both very generous in the long run. good luck!

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My son was rolled into round 3 , too. His school still hasn’t sent his first semester grades because the semester ended late this year (they’ll be sent early next week). But he received a $24K merit scholarship so I’m not sure that it matters. I don’t think that you can combine competitive and merit scholarships, and I don’t think that the competitive scholarship will top the merit scholarship that he received. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Am I right?

I didn’t know that. I thought competitive scholarships would be in addition to auto merit. Dd has already received auto merit.

Being moved to 3rd round makes it difficult for dd because she was accepted to McCollough Med Scholars at Bama and needs to give them an answer by March 4, which could be before she hears the final word on additional scholarships.