University of Alabama Class of 2026 Admissions

Yes, I’m pretty sure that you can’t combine both a competitive and auto merit scholarship – you can only accept the higher of the two. If that’s true (again, I’m not 100% sure), I guess my question is does UA offer competitive scholarships in excess of $24K/year? $24K/year is incredibly generous and it doesn’t seem likely that he’ll be offered more.


From this page:

If I already have a merit scholarship, can I receive both the merit and the UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship?

No. If you are awarded a UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship but also meet the criteria for one or more Automatic Merit Scholarships, you will receive the highest of the scholarship offers.

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I agree that it seems unlikely, but who knows? (No, really - who knows? Does anyone on this thread know?)

was reading about this on the UA parents FB page. This is only the second year they’ve had competitive merit; so not too much info floating around. some similar questions to yours too, there. I’m guessing, from what i’m reading that the best merit is for scores/gpa; not TO competitive.

departmental scholarships are different than competitive merit. my kid randomly received one around mid-feb two years ago. It was NICE!

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Right, thanks. I thought I recalled seeing that or something like it somewhere months ago. Thanks for finding it.

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Thank you. She was only mildly interested in Alabama, and she has lots of other (albeit more expensive) options even with great merit awards. Good luck to everyone still waiting!

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For everyone who was rolled to round 3, do you have higher ish stats or somewhat lower? I have a 34 ACT so I already get the 28k OOS, but am now in round 3.

My dd has a 34 and got 28k. Rolled into third round

Hmmm, I wonder if they are trying to see if people will voluntarily withdraw/what their yield will be looking like before they make offers for full tuition and whatnot.

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My daughter got the email about being rolled, but she didn’t even fill out the competitive scholarship application. She has a 36 ACT and an unweighted 4.0 and she should get the highest automatic scholarship, but she’s also expecting to become a national merit finalist. We were confused by the email.

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There were no separate applicarion for competitive scholarships

Dd got 28k auto merit.

Same for my son - my thought is that pretty much eliminates any need (or even the possibility) for any additional Competitive Schollie. If they can’t be “stacked” as is clearly stated, I don’t see this as relevant for students with significant Merit $'s like ours.

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That’s what I thought as well, but a couple of weeks ago my daughter got an email saying she had not completed her competitive scholarship application and there was still time. She didn’t worry about it because we understood they were not stackable, and we assumed she wouldn’t be eligible for a scholarship bigger than she was already expecting.
Edit: I just went back and found the email and it was actually from January and it stated “ You must complete the Freshman Supplemental Scholarship Application by TOMORROW JANUARY 15 , to be considered for competitive scholarships that require supplemental documentation.”

I believe that’s what my dd completed - the supplemental scholarship application. It was in the portal and included scholarships like alumni, etc. I mistakenly thought those were the competitive scholarships the emails were about.

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Is anyone on here considering the McCollough Pre-Medical Program or know anything about it?? Our daughter is interested but looking to learn more about what it really looks like on campus and if there is indeed value to it since she also has some other good college offers and we need to decide soon one of of the scholarships she was awarded.

Thanks in advance!

My dd is considering McCollough, as well. I hope they will provide more info soon, as the deadline for giving an answer is quickly approaching.

Got it. So are those scholarships stackable?

As much as I love Clemson , I hate the way admissions is done. It makes it incredibly stressful for the kids when classmates start to randomly receive acceptances in November with no rhyme or reason. I appreciate schools like UVA and UGA who are incredibly transparent with the entire process. It alleviates a ton of stress for families.


Dd applied for them thinking they were stackable, but I don’t know for sure.