University of Alabama

Will they ever file chapter 11 bankruptcy?

ACT: 32 automatic full tution.


What are you asking? Do you think if their endowment couldn’t support these scholarships, they would continue them? Obviously it’s working out well for Alabama.

The merit scholarships are funded thru donations and profits from the highly profitable Crimson Tide Sports.

Roll Tide!

Have you ever been to visit UA? The campus is beautiful. There is a lot of new construction. The engineering complex is state of the art. (And well, the football stadium and games rival pro team atmospheres. :slight_smile: ). Since mom2collegekids posted the source, you question is answered. But, I didn’t want others to imagine a school on the brink of collapse due to spending $$ on attracting top students. My ds loves it there and his younger sister wishes they offered her major bc she would love to attend there.

Will they ever file chapter 11 bankruptcy?

ACT: 32 automatic full tution.


You’re a student at some other school.

<< Major: atmospheric science
GPA: 3.04 <<<<

I want to make that clear to anyone reading this thread. Wouldn’t want someone to think that the OP has some sort of inside info that suggests financial instability. And, to those who “liked” his post…uh, why??

UA may tighten up the stats needed for full scholarships in coming years if they keep getting more applicants who qualify for the scholarships, but the money is not a problem for the foreseeable future.

I had the same reaction. The OP is a sophomore at a CC wanting to transfer. I was also wondering why he would post a random post about UA suggesting financial instability.

@novadad99 They already are by dropping the engineering supplement those who don’t qualify for the presidential… (not to be confused with $2500 engineering scholarship.)

I noticed the likes as well (Re: #4). I’d say they may have arisen because the original post is 1) cleverly worded 2) may actually pertain to a relevant issue such as sustainability and 3) does not strongly imply an obstinant denial of comments that may follow it.

That said, the OP invited a SUNY debate on a another thread that began much less . . . cleverly.

Perhaps the OP is bored, looking for a way to waste his time, so thought it might be amusing to post something so random. “Clever” wasn’t my first reaction though.

This post wasn’t “clever” I wanted know how they managed to get a lot of people a free $2500 scholarship.

I was planning on applying as a transfer student to UA, but after I keep hearing you get a free tuition just because you score a 32 on the ACT. I just my chances of getting free tutuion is -90 percent.

Then why’d you ask if they were going bankrupt? That’s not at all the same question.

I don’t think you can get the full tuition scholarships as a transfer student. They are only for incoming freshmen who have not received any previous college credit at other schools.

To clarify, it is no college credit post high school graduation. You can qualify for the presidential if the college credits were earned during high school.


I was planning on applying as a transfer student to UA, but after I keep hearing you get a free tuition just because you score a 32 on the ACT. I just my chances of getting free tutuion is -90 percent.




Incoming freshman who apply by Dec 15, AND who have an ACT 32+ and a 3.5+ GPA qualify for free tuition.

Doesn’t look like you have any of the qualifications.

“This post wasn’t ‘clever.’” (10)

You just ruined it for me.

UA has pretty generous transfer scholarships too, but the presidential is only for freshmen applicants.
If one has an ACT 32, it’s basically always better to apply to merit scholarships as a freshman and NOT go to community college “to save money”, since transfer scholarships are never as generous, even at generous universities.

OP you seem rather contemptuous of something you had no hope of ever qualifying for to begin with, why?

Let’s cut the kid some slack.

The question was very poorly handled if he was truly looking for information, then he was quite contemptuous of the scholarship as it was awarded “just because” he had a 32 ACT.

I think everyone did cut him quite a bit of slack.