University of Arizona Class of 2025

We got to tour the Honors College back in February. We were impressed! The honor village and the new dorms are fantastic! its one of my son top choices. Waiting for the priority replies on Dec 11th. You can still apply for Honors College… the website has the next deadline for it

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Daughter Accepted
GPA 4.4/4.0
No test score reported
Major: Dance (received acceptance to BFA program)
Merit: $35,000

Waited a little over 2 weeks for acceptance, but Thanksgiving was also included in that wait time. She applied to Honors college by the priority deadline, but her Letter of Rec was turned in a day late, so we aren’t sure if we will hear next week or not. Just waiting to find out. Definitely excited about this acceptance.

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Just returned from a trip to Tucson with my D21 - she absolutely loved campus!


My S21 received an email this morning confirming that honors college decisions would be released tomorrow. They also noted applications to the honors college were unusually high this year.


WOW!! SO excited… S21 was accepted into the Honors College!! It’s official…he is now CERTAIN he wants to be an Arizona Wildcat! SO excited for him to have this amazing offer of a lifetime. It is truly a DREAM COME TRUE for us and as a Mom, I’m so thankful to see all of his hard work and dedication pay off. ALL those late nights of homework and sacrifice… I’m just SO happy!!! CONGRATS to all the supportive parents and hardworking seniors. You are all amazing!

GPA UW 3.99/4
GPA W 4.5 (although complicated by a move from an international school)
Class rank 6/412 (should be higher but the transfer was not in his favor)
Senior year GPA 5.0
IB DP candidate & IB DP Bilingual candidate
Lots of EC’s (Physics rocket club, Academic Tutor, Hospital Volunteer, NHS, Model UN, Varsity sports, Independent Laboratory research etc.)
SAT did not submit, but he was already in the +1420 category for the award

Arizona Excellence Award $35,000


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@Schoolmood yay!!! Congrats to your son! My daughter was accepted to Honors as well!!!


Son was notified he was accepted this morning as well. Still waiting on lots of other schools but the merit UofA gives is hard to pass up. We will have to come out at the first of the year and visit. His sister is a nursing student at ASU… will be interesting to see if he becomes her rival :slight_smile:


Congrats to all! My son just told me that he go into Honor College too! So exciting! For sure this is a top choice for him. We also got top distinction merit scholarship so full tuition for us too!

GPA UW 4.0/ W 4.6
No Test score
High Rigor, Top High School
AP Scholar, NHS, HS team sports
Lots of volunteering, Leadership, Seal of Biliteracy


Crud …for my S21 it was a no.

GPA UW 3.7/W 4.4
SAT 1460
AP Scholar
Leadership, lots of volunteer and EC

Oh well, congrats to all the kids who got in today.

Yes on Honors for my D21

-AZ Resident
-3.76 UW / 4.4 W
-ACT 33 (though pretty sure those weren’t considered)
-Attends a specialized accelerated AP/Gifted/Honors HS program, high rigor, all credits were completed before (optional) senior year.
-English Major
-Very dedicated, longterm, passionate EC’s in performing arts with leadership, awards, etc.

I don’t think mine will end up going with UofA. She’s lived in the desert her whole life and I think has realized she wants a change. But a family member just inherited and completely remodeled a house to be a UofA rental and it’s literally across the street from the Honors dorm. It would be one heck of a sweet set up. We’ll see!

Congrats to those that got in. Those that didn’t, hang in there, I hope the perfect fit comes your way.

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My son got in too!
3.97 uw
good essay and LOR
high rigor in classes; 11 AP and honors classes
top 5% of class
some ECs

I’m very excited about the honors college and the merit money too! We will have to see what happens with the rest of his schools, but this opportunity is hard to pass up. I hope to visit the school soon.

To those whose kids did not get into honors, they can apply after first year, I believe, and even without honors, U of Arizona sees like a top school for many programs.


S21 accepted into Honors College

GPA 3.98UW/4.43W
SAT: 1500
13 APs + 4 add’l honors classes
Strong LORs and decent ECs (3 years varsity sport + lots of related sport activities, in-major internship, some community service)

He has many other decisions incoming, but very excited he was selected for the Honors College!

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Yes to Honors (top of the list)
3.9 UW
4.3 W
4.5 W (first trimester grades)
4.0 college credits (already assessed transfer credits, they are amazing)
10 APs
AP Scholar with Distinction


Congrats to those admitted and chins up to those not invited. I honestly agree that there will be a lot more invites forthcoming… and if anyone didn’t get in that really wants to, it would certainly be worth asking if the application can be re-reviewed!

One other heads up is that after Freshman year one can “self-nominate” to be considered for the honors program. At that point if you have met UArizona gpa requirements I would imagine it would be much easier to get in!!! My son had thought if he wasn’t accepted off the bat he would go that route.

Just a quick question for anyone in “the know”… Is Honors Housing guaranteed? I wonder what the chances are for that?

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There are a limited amount of beds, so I can’t imagine it is guareteed. It is mostly just for freshmen. Upperclassmen are entered into a lottery. The housing does come at a premium price and a required meal plan, that costs more. But I haven’t met anyone who didn’t get it. I was told by others, who have kids in Honors, to get the housing deposit in ASAP. The timestamp locks you into a spot to claim housing. It was $150 and I paid yesterday.

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Thanks so much swimwiththefish! We also paid yesterday (for enerting freshman) so HOPEFULLY that will be early enough? Fingers crossed!!

Hi I’m curious… to put down the housing deposit did you also have to put down all the other related UA deposits. DD has been accepted to UA honors, but probably won’t make a decision until spring as we’re hoping we’ll be able to visit some of her other accepted schools. She would definitely want honors housing though if she goes to UA - and for $150 I’m willing to risk it. Are they usually unable to meet the honors housing need for incoming freshman? Thanks!

You only have to put down the non refundable $150. Dorm/Roomate choice etc doesn’t come till March or thereabouts.

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No… just the housing deposit, it is $150. You can do it at the student account page or the housing page


I had this same question. Thank you!