University of Arizona Class of 2025

Agree. We also put in the $150 housing deposit to ensure we can get into the Honors Village. With 1000 new honors students plus additionally 1K sohomores/JUniors and only about 1000 rooms in the HV best to put in ASAP. We are waiting for 4 other school and will not know until March/April.

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We put the $150 housing deposit down yesterday too. We won’t get decisions from the majority of schools until March as well.


I think that’s a common theme. Our son applied to Oregon, Washington, Arizona and a couple privates. Arizona is tops on that list for him. We are in California and his top choices are Cal Poly and a couple of the UC’s so the wait for March has begun. The good news is that we visited Tucson twice before the pandemic and he really loved it. We were all really impressed. I’m glad he had that opportunity and he is very happy if U of A is where he ends up.

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Our sons sound similar - applied to all of those schools (plus many others including ASU’s honors college - he has a big list) but Cal Poly is #1 followed by UCs. Luckily we have a few decisions coming in Jan-Feb to help break up the long wait!


Here’s my stats and what I got:
OOS- Columbus, OH
GPA- 4.2 W, 3.96 UW
ACT- 26
Major- MIS (Pre-Business w/ Eller first year direct admit)
Arizona Distinction Award- $35,000

How are people getting $35k merit with less than 4.0? Is there extra money if you are admitted to Eller? I thought you needed 4.0 to get the full $35k this year. My S has a 3.97 and got $30k, not $35k. Has a 35 ACT but they aren’t considering the that for merit this year.


If you have a 4.0 UW in the 16 “core” classes the Arizona Boardof Regents outlines, you will get the $35K merit scholarship. You could receive a B or lower in a non-core class (e.g., 3.97 UW GPA) and still receive the top merit award. This was exactly the case for my S21, who is also a National Merit Semifinalist.


Thanks that explains it. My S got a B+ in a core class.

Yes, also, if your child exceeded the number of units per core course, they will take the best grades out of those. For example for Science you need 3 units but if your child took 4 and only one of them was a B, they will count the 3 other A’s. High School Competency Requirements | University of Arizona Admissions


How to apply merit? thanks

The merit scholarships are automatic and will be reported on you acceptance letter. Here’s the link to the scholarship page on their website:

Just to clarify on the Honors Dorm. We put down our $150 deposit but there is nothing else to do now to ensure he gets into the Honors dorm if he does in fact choose UofA after all other decisions are received? I looked in his housing portal and you can select if you want to “live in a community”. Eller is an option but I don’t see Honors as an option.
thank you!

That’s my understanding. The $150 reserves your spot to choose your dorm when the time comes, which if I recall correctly, is in May.

was he accepted to the honors college? If he was we did have option to select honor village and that is what we did

yes he was accepted to the honors college but I didn’t see it as an option

You were able to chose housing already?

Yes we had a screen that made him choose/rank top 4-5 dorms and the types of rooms within in dorm. of course his top 4 choices was different rooms in HV. we were required to put one other dorm.

Did you already commit and pay the enrollment fee? I did not see the option to put preferences down. I attended an honors info session in October and I thought the person said that you put your deposit down now but don’t pick until June. Will have to look into this more, but I don’t see any place on the website or our account where you can select housing preferences.


Accepted -Computer Science
3.96 UW
$35k merit


We did not have that option either. I even went back in looking.

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