University of Arizona Class of 2025

Hi all, I will do a proper intro next post, but quick question, where do we go to put a housing deposit down? Is it somewhere on the student portal? Or the website? Or do I call? Please lmk if you know, thanks!!!

Are you on the u of AZ moms Facebook page? I had the same concerns and a lot of moms weighed in on safety on FB page. Lots of great info and you can search that topic. I was nervous about it too and their comments made me more comfortable.

Ok thank you so much, I will try.
Did you happen to have any info about?

There have been a few incidents over the years and as a Mom it never gets easier getting alerts from the University, but overall my daughter, who has no street smarts, has felt safe. She does let us track her on her phone (just helps to know she is safe in her dorm), uses the alert on Uber to tell us when she is using them at night, and when she walks alone she often calls and talks to me as she walks. I donā€™t check nearly as often as I did when she was a Freshman, but it gave some peace of mind being out of state. I know some kids wouldnā€™t be as thrilled with that, but luckily our daughter doesnā€™t mind. The University text alert system has been good, just to make us aware of what is going on around campus. There are often a lot of crimes of opportunity around University campuses due to all of the electronics students carry around and U of A seems to have quite a few car break-ins. We live in California and there are many similar incidents at a lot of the UC and state schools here. Students just always need to be aware of their surroundings and try to walk with other people when possible. My D18 really liked Tulane University and the crime there worried me more. I donā€™t think the worry ever goes away no matter where they go.


Thank you so much for good advice and feedback.

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Yes just joined, thank you.

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Do you have to apply for the honors college or is it by invitation?


the deadline for applying to the honors college has passed. i donā€™t think you can apply anymore

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Iā€™m pretty sure they can apply after they arrive on campus. The deadline to be admitted before Fall however, has passed.

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Since a 2026 thread hasnā€™t been started yet, Iā€™m asking a quick question here. My D applied last month through Common Ap. She hasnā€™t heard back from UA at all, and most schools sheā€™s applied to have sent her emails saying ā€œThank you for applying, hereā€™s your school ID number to set up an account where you will be receiving more information.ā€ Iā€™m not worried about her getting in because her stats are in the top %1. Just wondering how the UA process works since she hasnā€™t heard anything.

I would check the Common App dashboard and see if it has been downloaded by the college as a starting point. They are definitely sending out initial correspondence. My son applied in mid-August, and received an email from them right away. I just checked the UA dashboard and he has received an acceptance (although he doesnā€™t know that yet).

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@hockeymom987 I just checked her common app and the application has been downloaded by UA, but she hasnā€™t received an initial email correspondence from them yet. So strange! She applied on 8/22.

@hockeymom987 ok, I guess they sent the Wildcat ID to her school email. No word yet on acceptance yet. UA admissions said they are still in ā€œdecisionā€ stage. Iā€™m not worried sheā€™ll get in to UA. I was concerned that they were missing something and thatā€™s why she hasnā€™t heard yet. So I guess we wait!

My sonā€™s application says it was downloaded by UA on 8/18. He received acceptance and scholarship in the application tracker on 9/13.

@hockeymom987 Ok! My daughter saw today that she was accepted, but scholarship $ was not the full 35k. Iā€™m very surprised that UA doesnā€™t recognize the honors and AP classes weighted GPA for scholarship consideration. Basically a 4.0 student who doesnā€™t take any honors or AP classes gets more scholarship money than a 3.87 student who takes all AP & Honor classes with a class rank of 5th/353. After calling UA admissions today to confirm this I had to explain to my daughter that because she took all honors and AP classes it hurt her chances of getting the full 35k.

It might be unfair but it is clearly stated on their website ā€œ[ā€¦] determine which Tuition Award you qualify for based on your 6th semester core unweighted high school GPA.ā€

2022-2023 Incoming First-Year and Transfer Tuition Scholarship Awards | Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (


@NJEngineerDad you are correct. We had read that awhile back, just thought there would be something else given to recognize her high achievement. As you said, doesnā€™t seem fair.

Anyone here applying to the Honors college? Any suggestions on what to write in essay?

Thanks in advance!

@ELK_8 - re: AZ and scholarship amounts.
Arizona puts a large emphasis on GPA. Itā€™s their choice.

I am close to a mom; our S20ā€™s both applied to AZ.

My kid: 4.86 W, an AP award, 34 ACt ; 3.98 UW; one B in one semester;
Other kid 4.80 W; no AP award; 32 ACT; 4.0 UW.
That one B gave my kid the second tier scholarship (not full).

I was sort of flustered as well. But - came to realize thatā€™s what AZ values. Our friend is there, our kid is not, and itā€™s all good. I will say, AZ came back to us with an extra out-of-the blue 4-yr scholarship that wasnā€™t applied for. It sure gave our son reason to reconsider!

i even posed that question to some other college moms (NOT from same school). Their thoughts: GPA is daily/yearly. ACTs are one time.

good luck! itā€™ll all work out.

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Not sure about this year but my D applied last year around this time and was accepted very quickly (I want to say a month or two after she applied). She was a top applicant and they gave her a full tuition scholarship and she got into the honors program as well. We toured the school and I was really impressed.

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