Having trouble deciding which school to attend. I am in state, live in Tucson right near U of A campus, have lived here my whole life, and would love to get out. However, I know U of A might have better opportunities so I am willing to sacrifice that. My major is biochemistry and I am pre-med.
U of Arizona is one of the top research universities in the country, and in an entirely different league than NAU. Why don’t you go there and plan on spending a year studying abroad, and branch out that way? There are probably numerous short-term study abroad opportunities as well. You could also spend your summers in internships around the country or overseas, and explore new places then. You could also plan on pursuing your medical degree in another place.
@mommyrocks is right. UofA is a better school. Better opportunities, etc., etc. If you do go to U of A, I’d recommend, if finances make it possible, to live in the dorms freshman year. Set up an agreement with your parents such that you’ll all treat it like you’re going away to school and you won’t run home every weekend to do laundry & such. You can still have the “away school” experience even though you’re a stone’s throw away from home.