University of Arts Dorm Rooms (Philadelphia) vs Potential Helicopter Parent

@PositivelyMe you’re welcome! I’ve learned that people’s perception of cleanliness and what is considered ‘acceptable’ living conditions is so subjective. I grew up in a home where aesthetics and cleanliness were a priority; hence the reason I believe I am much more laid back. I work full time (nights, currently), and have spent a good portion of my adult life in school. I am far from a home-maker. I do what I can to maintain some order. We are in a rental apartment; no creatures (other than the cats, but they are my other children :slight_smile: ), no cobwebs etc. Some may gasp at how we live. My d fluctuates with the cleanliness of her room; I am looking forward to someone else (other than mom) giving her incentive to stay clean and organized, like a roommate or two (but not four; I feel like that might be too much for her to manage socially).