University of Arts Dorm Rooms (Philadelphia) vs Potential Helicopter Parent

We very recently toured dorms at the University of Arts Philadelphia. Furness was our first stop. I thought it was a great location until I saw the actual dorm. It was my LEAST favorite for structural reasons (chipped paint in the basement laundry area hallways, dark and dingy looking, poor window views due to some building apparatus that resembles a large vat or vent). I liked Spruce. Guess which building my S choose? Should I sway him?

Also, because he had a great experience during pre-college in a much nicer dorm (Juniper) he listed that he wants “five roommates”. FIVE!!! What is a more reasonable number if there’s a choice? I had six in my apartment style dormitory. Desk were in the living room area. Bunk beds were in two separate rooms (4 in one, 2 in the other). I was thrilled to eventually share a two-bed room. Again, should I sway him?

I think we owe our kids the opportunity to learn from their own mistakes, instead of insisting they learn from ours.

Living in a dingy dorm won’t kill your son. Neither will having five roommates, if they even allow that.

Let him live with his choices.

@bjkmom -Thank you! He is reconsidering his notion of multiple roommates but he still wants that building. lol
I’m trying to remain on mute. It’s not easy.

Does multiple roommates mean a suite where he either has a single or one roommate or is it a ward where everyone is in the same room?

I agree with letting your son decide which dorm he wants and how many roommates he wants. Nothing is irrevocable. At the worst, this situation will last one year if that long. Check out whether or not students can change dorms or roommates at the winter break or when the school will re-assign a student. Keep that info to yourself unless your son runs into a problem. It’s just for your peace of mind.

My S17’s school actually requires students to inform it before the winter break whether or not they want to continue with their first semester roommate for the remainder of the year. My son and his roommate have actually signed up to room together again next year, unless the roommate becomes an RA. They have picked a suite with several other guys already.

Let your son enjoy this first exercise of adult choice making. You enjoy his independence and maturity.

@PositivelyMe , have you begun the actual process of selecting housing at U Arts? We’ll be doing it within a few weeks, I think, and I’m curious whether there is still a good deal of selection. Are you finding that your son will be able to secure his first choice, or is the inventory of available options limited? Thanks for any info you can provide!

I’m with you on staying mute… it’s brutal.

Sometimes you just want to say “What are you THINKING??? Trust me, I know better.”

And sometimes we have to, when it really counts.

But I’m thinking this isn’t one of those times.

It’s probably not that bad as dorms go. Dingy/bugs/peeling paint…most schools have some of these, and kids love living in them. Just stand back. I’m sure it will be fine. You can meet him outside when you visit! Lol!

Thanks, everyone! I’m trying my best not to say more than I’ve already said. I will let it go as you all have suggested. I’ll be positive for my S’s sake. Lesson learned.

@techiemom - your statement reminded me that our tour guide did mention something about students being able to change rooms during a specific time period if they are dissatisfied because of roommate issues/concerns.

@back2work - Glad to hear from a current UArt’s parent!

We were told we have to make a decision by May 1st. We were also given the impression that completing the housing application now (instead of months ago) won’t necessarily keep students from getting their dorm of choice since dorm selection is also based on a roommate matching system where students list their personality traits and habits (i.e. neat, messy, sociable, etc.). Since the housing fee is non-refundable, potential students probably want to make sure they’re definitely attending before paying the deposit.

Apparently, Juniper is the most coveted dorm but is usually reserved for upperclassman. A few freshmen have gotten lucky so my S still listed it as his second choice. Our sophmore tour guide told us that she lived in an off campus apartment (courtesy of UArts) last year because the dorms were full. She said it was really nice. She will live on campus for free this year as an RA.

Lastly, we were told that the person who matches students with roomates does a “good job”. We paid our deposit but have to redo the housing application. There’s a computer glitch if you make an error. You cannot go back to make corrections. We have contacted student affairs and await their response.

Oh, this year (2018-2019), students will have the option of rooming with either gender.

@techmom99 - We only saw a sample one bedroom suite with two beds and a livingroom. I did find a picture on Facebook of the dorm (Furness) with what appears to be a studio apartment with four beds (bunked) and desks all in the same room. When my son stayed at the most coveted dorm (Juniper) during the summer, it was a large apartment with two separte bedrooms, a kitchen, and a livingroom. There were two roomates per bedroom. It was great! The rooms in this dorm appear to be a little different.

“Let your son enjoy this first exercise of adult choice making. You enjoy his independence and maturity”. I will. Thanks!

Oops! Just noticed that I put “techiemom” instead of techmom99 in one of the above post. Sorry.

No problem. I actually like techiemom alot. It’s a cute name.

@HRSMom - LOL! I MAY have to meet him outside. Actually, when he was there over the summer, parents were only allowed in the dorms on move-in and move-out days. I guess I’m comparing it to my apartment dorms back in the 1980’s. My college had purchased an entire apartment complex in the suburbs after moving from the city. Now that I think about it, I was upset that they had relocated from the city.

@positivelyme, this is all great info, thanks. I’ll add that our tour guide also said there are options during the semester to switch dorms if things are not working out. She said there are at least two “switch days” or something to that effect. We thought Spruce was very nice.

My son (DPP major) committed on Saturday and is SO excited! He also likes Furness the best and will list that as his first choice. The main priority for him was to have a full kitchen. He’s my 3rd kid heading off to college … they all somehow survive living conditions that would scare us! :wink:

@NN8765 - LOL! You’re right! Congrats to your son! And… congrats to you for having three college kids! That’s wonderful!

Congratulations on your S/D’s acceptances, @NN8765, @back2work, and @PositivelyMe! My D is a junior MT major, and she loves UArts! I do, too; we’re both so thrilled and glad that she landed there.

D stayed in Furness her first year, Juniper her second (as a Peer Resident Tutor, a position that they no longer have), and Pine this year (as an RA). She also stayed in Spruce as a CA for their summer program a couple summers ago. She’s been fine with and has seen the benefits of all. Personally, although I’ve never been in Spruce, I thought Juniper is the nicest and that Pine’s dorms have the most character. Her dorm in Furness was huge, so big groups of friends often gathered there, which is nice. Whichever dorm they get, if they decide to head to NYC after college, their rooms will likely be bigger and maybe nicer than their first apartments, lol! Anyway, @PositivelyMe, your s will be fine no matter what he chooses, and yes, I’d let him completely choose which he’d like with how many roommates he’d prefer. I know that’s hard to do, lol—but it’s just another step towards independence.

Back2work is correct; housing can be switched throughout the year.

DPP is a great major! @PositivelyMe and @back2work, will your S/D be an MT major?

@myloves - Hi! Thanks for your response! It helps tremendously since your daughter has stayed in them all. My son will be an MBET (Music Business, Entrepreneurship, and Technology) major. Glad to hear your daughter loves it there. It seems that most people who attend really like it — which is comforting.

Excellently, @PositivelyMe! That’s the major my son may pursue there in a couple years. Yes, it’s a special university—an inspired, inspiring place.

Hey all! We just got back from visiting U Arts yesterday. They showed us the sample dorm in Furness. My d loved it. I don’t think she noticed or cared about the ‘view’ out the window (remember, this is not an actual available dorm, so I imagine the views vary.

When we went over the the theatre building, the student assigned to guide us said “I can’t believe this is the dorm they show people”, meaning all the others are nicer. Truth be told, I saw nothing wrong with it, so it can only get better from there, in my opinion (I just posted on the vent/sharing thread my opinion about kids dorming, in general). She shared pros and cons of each building, and it seems that its a personal preference, based on number of roommates, studio vs apartments with bedrooms, etc.

I did notice there are some videos on youtube, where kids show off their dorms. I want my d to watch them before she fills out the request, assuming she commits.

@DramaQueen219 -Thanks for sharing! I think it’s me. I think I’ve lost my sense of adventure :slight_smile: If I were a teen teetering on the the verge of independence, I’d probably love it too. It does help to hear that others like it and feel it’s okay.

You don’t want to know what I thought about the student lounges? LOL! Had the urge to form a mother/parent auxillary. Despite my comments, I adore UArts and I’m so glad my S is going to attend. It’s super exciting!

Lastly, I really appreciate hearing your daughter’s point of view. It really helps.