University of California does not accept CSU credits?


<p>I am a high school student who will certainly be going to a UC or UC Davis more specifically next school year. During my high school years I had taken a few courses from a CSU, but I heard this year that CSU credits will not be accepted in UCs. I also looked up and there is not a 08-09 agreement between these universities. Does anyone know if this is true?</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>Of course UC will accept CSU credits. Not all credits will transfer, however. Remedial english or math will not transfer, for example, nor will intro-to-intro science. </p>

<p>Assist is not designed for CSU-UC transfers, so the courses don’t show up that way. You can call or e-mail Davis with a course number from your local CSU/juco and they can tell you what credit they will provide.</p>

<p>Okay, I was worried for a second there. Thanks a bunch! ;)</p>