University of Chicago: a blog's eye view

<p>I've found some very neat U of C-related blogs that could be informative. It's amazing what you can find on the internet these days... </p>

<p>The livejournal usergroup is probably not the ideal setting for tons of prospiequestions (it will never be CC) but it's home to a ton of current and former students. Lurking can be more informative than posting. It's the most active forum for current students that I know of.</p>

<p>UChicago</a> LiveJournal Community</p>

<p>This is the U of C alumni magazine blog. Very cute:</p>

<p>UChiBLOGo:</a> "Jump up" on the Midway</p>

<p>O'Gara and Wilson Booksellers, one of six delicious bookstores in Hyde Park, has a blog:</p>

<p>O'Gara</a> and Wilson, Booksellers</p>

<p>The Chicago Maroon news blog, more amusing than the paper, but with links to the rest of the Maroon:</p>

<p>Chicago</a> Maroon News Blog</p>

<p>Hoover House blog (Hoover House is in Max Palevsky dorm-- a house is a subsection of a larger dorm), run by the Hoover House Resident Heads. I have no idea how I found this blog, but I find it adorable:</p>


<p>And the college admissions blog:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;](&lt;a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>The Becker-Posner blog is also great. Becker is at the business school and Posner is at the law school, and they often post point-counterpoint articles:</p>

<p>The</a> Becker-Posner Blog</p>

<p>Hey, student government might do something!</p>

<p>Student</a> Government</p>

<p>The Becker Posner blog is awesome</p>