Already settled myself to retry next year.
Waitlisted here.
Hey guys, how would you write a letter of continued interest without already stating what I have already stated in the “Why UChicago” essay? I really covered everything about why UChicago is a perfect fit for me in that essay. I would really appreciate help, thanks!!
@troanger5 I just updated them on some of the things going on in my senior year and any new interests I had and why Chicago would help me explore them basically
Ok that makes sense. Thank you so much!
Wait listed as well- hoping to get off the waiting list lol
Glad I’m in good company! UChicago is still my dream school and, even though my chances of getting in are really slim, I’m still holding out hope.
Our guidance counselor was told that there were over 1000 people on the wait list. Even then, they made almost 30% more offers than places, so the odds look very long. I also read an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education that said that waiting lists were viewed as “soft rejections” by many colleges. Hope that isn’t true, but the statistics suggest it is.
Z-list doesn’t exist at Chicago. That’s a Harvard institution.
oh my goodness I have been thinking about doing this. For example I am close to wrapping up my senior research paper and maybe i could discuss the aspect of my interest in research that drew me to UChicago- all my previous essays were more witty than serious. I am committing to a safety and UChicago is my number one choice from start so here is to desperately hoping get off the waitlist.
Does anyone know if emailing my regional admission officer is better/worse than sending a physical letter int he mail- I am currently on a week break from school and I am an international student. I previously emailed my regional officer re updating my application, an email that went without response whether because it was not seen or because it was a stupid inquiry… :-w #-o
@Emmaspirant Hey I think you should email your regional admissions officer, and if that doesn’t work maybe contact the dean of admissions. And you could send a physical letter in case too. All I did was email my regional admissions officer why I want to attend UChicago in the fall of 2015.
@Emmaaspirant Hi I emailed my regional admission officer as well but she didnt reply… wondering if it is a bad sign?
@chenggongbeitai It is not a bad sign because the admissions officer probably read it!
Did you guys mention what other college you plan on attending? Like for example “I plan on attending Vanderbilt University, but still want to attend UChicago.”
@tesfayeB I also sent a letter to my regional admissions counselor (email). I haven’t gotten a reply. I am curious if u have gotten any reply.
I think usually if you email them, regional counselor just add it to your file and sometimes a reply email is needed or they just forget.
Where can I find the email address to my regional admissions counsellor? When I click on the name, it only gives me the general email address used to ask general questions
@graduatingin2015 go to this link:
And @Lanie49 I just mentioned that I will commit to Vtech before May 1st in hopes of UChicago taking me off the waiting list. And @sandyuuu that is okay if you haven’t received a reply, they probably forgot to reply to you. With my regional admissions officer she always replies, because we have been in conversation since February.