University of Delaware

Hi! I’m a current high school junior and prospective nursing major from northern Virginia and was wondering if anyone could chance me for University of Delaware and/or suggest similar schools? My stats are: 3.75 UW/ 4.05 W GPA, 31 ACT (32 ss, I’m going to retake it and I expect it’ll get up to a 33 or 34), 3 season varsity athlete and a captain all 3 seasons during junior and senior year, I’ll have 8 APs by graduation, 100 volunteer hours each summer (it’s not technically healthcare-related, but there are some similarities that I will be highlighting in my essays), and I am involved in several honor societies. I really appreciate the help!

You will get into Delaware and most likely with merit

Yes with merit. My D from OOS had 1320 SAT 3.7 UW 4.1 weighted with APs and honors got into UD with 15k per year in merit. She also got into most schools. She did get into Clemson but not for first choice nursing. It appeared Clemson nursing OOS were high 1300’s with 3.8 UW…just from what we saw. With your STATS you will be on your WAY. Keep up the good work and think merit merit bc you will get rewarded financially for working hard.

Thank you so much!

I posted a comment yesterday and looks like it was deleted . Freshman mom here at UD. Would do your research . The school’s admin lacks transparency here , has huge deficits and many are considering transferring . Watch how these schools are handling covid .

Thank you for the heads up…would be good to hear more specifics. This is on my D’s list to apply.

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I have a daughter at another college. We constantly hear from the President . There were tested before arrival and every 10 days (at her school). Covid may be over by fall 2021 but when I look at schools now, I think it’s more important to see how they handled a crisis . UD said everyone was going back. Then they said ok some of you can come back. They have 1200 kids on campus . 600 freshman . Athletes and students taking certain labs . 3200 freshman are sitting at home including mine . Then they said certain exceptions qualify. They didn’t do this in a way that was transparent. Now, we got a town hall message (not direct from President ) saying we will do our best to get 50% of students on campus for spring . Why not all ? Then they said they have a huge deficit . Some classes are asynchronous . My son is teaching himself math. Really ? I don’t trust they will go back in the spring . He got accepted to 16 schools and they all went back. Look at other large public schools and see how they are doing . Vermont is killing it .

On a positive note he loves his major and is doing very well which makes this harder . He may never set a foot on campus his freshman year. Can you imagine ?

Again, look at the Leaders/ admin of the schools you are looking at carefully. Good luck.

All those banking on merit … do your research. The school has no $$$$.

My daughter is a freshman who was invited to live on campus and she LOVES UD!! Yes, all of her classes are online but only has issues with chem lab, which the administration revamped this week so at least they are trying to make improvements. We are from Vermont, where students are all on campus at UVM with hybrid learning and things are going well so it is tough to think about my daughter alone in her dorm room in Delaware taking online classes but my daughter absolutely loves her classes and the other students she has met in the dorm. All but one of her classes are synchronous. Yes, it is discouraging that we don’t know what the spring will look like yet but no one can really make plans right now. As far as scholarships - my daughter received a really nice one upon acceptance and then was selected as a Distinguished Scholar later on and received and even better one (not the full ride but still a great scholarship). UD was a great choice for her and she is sticking with it. We will hope for the best for next semester.

@Topcat123 That’s great she is adjusting so well and enjoying it despite the less than ideal circumstances. If you are comfortable, could you share her stats and other schools she considered?

@tumagmom She had a 1540 SAT, GPA 4.25 out of 4.3, mix of honors and AP classes with mostly 5s on AP exams, valedictorian. She is a figure skater, played an instrument in a state wide orchestra and had a part time job. Here were her results:

UVM - accepted, green and gold scholarship (free tuition for Vermonters)
Northeastern - accepted $20K scholarship/year
BU - accepted into honors college NO scholarship
Pitt - accepted, no honors college and no scholarship
Syracuse - accepted, $30K scholarship
Maryland - accepted honors college, $12K scholarship
Drexel - accepted, $20K scholarship
George Washington - accepted, $30K scholarship
UPenn - waitlisted, not accepted - showed no continued interest
Cornell - not accepted
Carnegie Mellon - waitlisted, not accepted - showed no continued interest
UD - accepted honors college, $18K scholarship and then upgraded as a Distinguished Scholar to $26K

She is a computer science major and wanted a school with a figure skating club, which is challenging to find. She was really committed to having as little debt as possible and we aren’t eligible for financial aid. She decided UD has everything she wants and we, her parents, have enough to cover what the scholarship doesn’t so she will graduate debt free. She was really drawn to their travel abroad program they have during their winter session so hopefully she will be able to do a couple before she graduates. I can honestly tell you, she feels really good about her decision.

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3200 freshman are learning from their bedrooms . 600 got “selected “ to live on campus . Please do your research .

@arliegirl Yes, I agree it was a strange on campus decision for fall. I am thinking they wanted just a few students on campus to test the waters and see what happened with Covid. UD is twice the size as UVM so they have a lot more to figure out. Things did not get off to a good start at UD with off campus parties and many on campus students not following the rules. It seems things have settled down somewhat and UD is finally attempting to hand out some disciplinary actions for rule violators. I hope all students will be on campus for the spring!

I hope so too . My son can’t be home anymore . I think UD is poorly managed and the lack of transparency is unbelievable. Eagerly awaiting to see Their plans . UVM has put a ton of $ into testing and they are doing well because of that and good leadership . None of the kids at home can say they love their school because they have zero connection to it . Luckily my son likes his classes . It would be a shame if he transfers soph year but he may of no attempt to get him on campus in Feb.

I have a child who was supposed to start in the fall as a freshman who took a gap semester. Very disappointed in the school, their ability to plan and their lack of timely and clear communications. The school did a horrible job of communicating about the semester and I don’t trust a thing they say about the spring.

We did an informal visit this weekend and one thing DD21 is uncertain about (If she were even to be able to get admitted) is the nursing LLC and living on Laird campus. I’d be interested in hearing what your daughter thinks about that location and where most of her freshman classes would have been.

My husband and I are both UD grads so we’re trying not to be biased :slight_smile:

@tumagmom UD only invited 1200 students to live on campus this fall and put them all on Laird campus, which is suite style housing. Each student had their own room with a shared bathroom by a student in the other bedroom. Kind of a nice deal for a freshman:) She doesn’t really mind living on Laird as that is where everyone is living and has nothing else to compare it to. She and her friends go to Trabant at least once or twice a week to eat or do the Friday night activity. It’s also a short walk to main street. All of her classes were online this semester and don’t know where they would have been. She is a computer science major but took most of the usual freshman curriculum - calc, chem, into to engineering, etc. The have to move out later this week and will get new room assignments for spring semester. She is kind of hoping to be on the main campus to get that experience. As a member of the honors college she was really looking forward to living in Reading with the other honors students. She lives in Thomas McKean hall and the suites are really nice! They do have to clean their own bathroom, though.

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