Chances of getting into university of Delaware nursing

Hi! I’m a senior in high school and I’m applying to nursing school at the university of Delaware. I know it’s very competitive and I’m really nervous about not getting in. I’m an out of state student and i also don’t think I’m going to submit my act score. I would love some feedback from others who have been accepted. These are my stats:
-4.32 weighted gpa
-26 act
-top 10% of my class
-6 ap classes, 3 honors, 2 dual enrollment
-national honor society and 3 different honor societies
-15 volunteer hours at a hospital
-working 20 hours a week for the past 2 years
-did some volunteer work and have some leadership positions in the clubs I’m apart of
-a member of ab 4 different clubs

I would do your research . Look at the budget shortfall and how they are handling covid . They are laying off professors. My child is sitting at home this semester . They made no effort to get their students back minus athletes and certain students who were “invited .” The admin is not transparent . They are down over 700 freshman and will lose more if they don’t bring them back this semester. It’s not a good situation currently.

The nursing school at UD is much more competitive than the school as a whole. It’s like that in nearly every direct admit nursing program. We were told that the acceptance rate in typically in the low 20s%.

I think you probably have a decent chance of acceptance since you have good rigor. But I also wouldn’t be shocked if you were NOT accepted. It’s hard to get into nursing and they want to be SURE that you really really want to be a nurse and can handle the really difficult work.

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Still waiting for my son’s decision from UDel nursing
He is a CO resident
Stats - SAT 1450
unweighted GPA - 3.8
weighted - 4.32
lots of extracurriculars related to music such as All State Choir, etc.
100 volunteer hours at a hospital

He has acceptances so far from:
University of Portland
UNC Greeley (not direct admit but close to where we live - COVID)

Surprised we haven’t heard yet since his stats seem to be higher than some others who have been admitted, but since he has other great options and merit scholarships offered, not a biggie if he doesn’t get in. But it would be nice to have the option since I grew up 30 miles away so know the area and he would have my “people” if he needed them.

We haven’t been able to visit yet due to COVID so maybe perceived “lack of interest” is why he wasn’t in with the first round of acceptances. He did attend a virtual event

@TaraSkye1: Being that you’re in Colorado, it could be something as simple as a different admissions rep working at a different pace? My D’s older sibling graduated from UD in 2015 with a degree in ChemE, which they consider according to the Common Data Set, so that could’ve factored into her quick decision.

Your son has great stats, I’m sure he’ll hear something soon!

A month later and he is still waiting to hear from UDel. Meanwhile he has been admitted to 9 direct admit nursing programs so far with merit scholarships.

Curious what decision you received?

Hey, I realize this was 3 years ago now but I am wondering when the nursing decisions do come out, we toured and we’re told that the December 1st deadline for nursing was unique compared to the rest of the University, but I am wondering when they do release decisions? I have one waiting now and it is a bit stressful hearing that other people have heard back with other majors…

Have your kid join the zeemee app. Other students will post their results and they can get a sense of where nursing apps are.