University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

If honors isn’t mentioned then it wasn’t offered. Scholarship/Financial Aid packages will be coming out within two weeks.

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Question – OOS admitted to the PACE. Is it possible to move to Gainesville this summer get a job and then reclass as a Florida resident for fall of 2023?

UF has a form you can look at for declaring in state residency. If you’re dependent your parents must reside in FL for 12 months prior to starting classes. If you are independent then only the student must reside for 12 months but that is defined as someone 24 or older, military, etc.

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Congrats on your admission. If your parent/legal guardian is moving to Florida then it is possible. It is very difficult to prove you are in Florida for reasons other than going to school when you are a student who is claiming independence. Being a Florida resident and being a Florida resident for tuition purposes are two different things.


Accepted in state!
Fall 2022
4.4W (12/450 in class)
1550 SAT
Lots of ECs


Melissa, Do you know when notification of grandparent waiver is awarded. Or do you commit first and then hear?

Same thing Happened to my DS last year. Similar stats but 1590. Honors is solely essay driven, from what I understand.

@Melissa96 do you know how many students are typically accepted into the URSP program and what they look for in those selected? Daughter was accepted, but several of her friends with similar stats were not. Mostly curious. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Congrats to your daughter. The decisions are a combination of the Honors program and the Admissions Office. Honors students have higher GPA and test scores than the UF averages so they are definitely very strong students. The holistic information and honors essays weigh heavily when they are evaluating for the honors program. I believe honors looks to enroll about 700 students a year.

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Thank you for the info! We hadn’t heard about the URSP program before this. It seems like an amazing opportunity!

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My daughter accepted fall 2022. Is she in college of engineering? It just says accepted. I know she applied engineering.

Hi Melissa, thanks for all the great info!!
Any idea when Granparent OOS Tuition Waiver notification is released? I know it’s limited in number and first come, first serve but DD filed form in November…

Yes, UF doesn’t admit into a particular major. If she wants engineering then that is her major.


Hopefully also by March 11th. It is the first year but that is the current expectation.

Just learning about the Grandparent waiver…too late to submit? Thx!

Admitted, OOS, 1540 SAT. NMF, Waiting for the scholarship, not qualified for financial aid.


Son admitted in-State
1490 SAT
4.0UW 5.0W
class rank 1/150
No honors (he only applied to appease me, so he’s happy!)
Essays were so-so.


15 AP
in State
Top Prep School
Varsity Athlete
Started a Charity
Complete Rejection
How is this possible?


Daughter accepted.
32 ACT
6 APs
4.2 weighted GPA
3 varsity sports (at time of application caption for one)
Plus other good EC’s
She is interested in Sport Management and applied to that major but the letter doesn’t say anything about the major.


You can pick whatever major you want.