University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

My daughter wasn’t admitted into honors, her stats are all super, 1550, Full IB candidate, 4.7gpa 1st in class, NMF etc…definitely a contender. A conversation with admissions left me feeling like the essays were really the deciding factor but the honors program doesn’t offer anything that I found practical except the early registration and maybe the honors housing. It’s not a dealbreaker to me but it may be for my daughter though because she’s got a ton of other options. Besides the extra honors classes themselves, do honors student get to attend smaller class sizes?
FSU has admitted her with honors and invitation to chancellor’s weekend, it’s literally everything if she gets chosen but I don’t think UF honors is really comparable to what they do and I don’t want my daughter to compare them like they are. The class size was definitely a benefit though so I wanted to double check if UF did the same.
Thank you

Yes there is. We check on that and it brings up her checklist for her application. Thats it. It has the housing link below too

So she doesnt have a link to an update? This is what my son’s portal shows.

Could the email have gone to a spam
Folder that was sent a few days ago reminding kids to make sure they can access the portal? That’s frustrating

This was the email:

Can’t help how we feel. UF has improved because of the statistics of the students they have accepted over the past four years. The US New rankings are based on stats, fundraising, teacher/student ratio and a host of other areas- not on the quality of the education. President Fuchs made it his mission to increase the ratings and that is why they rolled out the red carpet 4 years ago to attract his GPA’s and test scores. This higher ranking has now made the school more desirable to many other students and has attracted a greater number of out of state applicants which in turn made it more difficult for qualified students like my double legacy son from getting in. I am just making a thought-provoking argument- not looking for a fight 123Mom123.


This is exactly what happened to my friend, I forwarded the email to her, I am happy to do that for you if you give me your email address. I have no idea why that link works and logging into portal doesn’t, it’s the same site.

Nope hers has no view update link

Maybe this will work for her. I tried to cut and paste the link from the email she got

D accepted. OOS 1440/ 4.8/4.0; 4/201; 12 APs.
Lots of ECs. She is super excited! Congratulations to all Baby Gators!


Thank you so much. This brings her to the log in page which she can access. Somehow there is a glitch on her page. We will have to call on Monday. Thanks for your help!

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So sorry for her!

Does UF have Accepted Student Tours?

I hear you. It’s frustrating no doubt for sure. I’m
Sorry your youngest didn’t get accepted. Truly. I have friends who attended UF and whose kids weren’t accepted and they, too, were frustrated and honestly even irritated etc. I know I’d be frustrated if my S21 wasn’t accepted last year (he was accepted but chose to go OOS). So I totally understand frustration. I guess I focused on Your word “unfair”. The problem is so many great students to choose from and so really it’s almost a roll of dice as to who will get accepted.

I hope and assume your son has other great options. I bet he does. While we respect UF we are pleased that S21 went to school elsewhere.

But I hear you. It still stinks to be disappointed!!!


Yes, an admitted student information session an tour. I imagine they’ll be available soon.

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32 ACT
3.9 GPA
8 AP’s and lots of EC’s
It was definitely a reach but worth a shot.

Congrats to all of the 2026 Gators!!


This is a screen shot of what she sees

UF Office of Admissions

Hello Sophia,

Your Freshman application for admission to the University of Florida has been received. We have received all required information and your decision will be released on February 25, 2022.

*Transcripts uploaded or received by mail will display on the Application Checklist as Transcript - Under Review. Once the transcripts are reviewed, these checklist items will be removed and the Awaiting Transcript checklist items will be updated accordingly.

Residency for Tuition Purposes: Non-Florida


Optional Click here for UFID

Application Checklist

Status Details Date
16x16 Received Student Self-Reported Academic Record 10/27/2021
16x16 Received Application 10/08/2021
16x16 Received SAT / ACT Scores 10/14/2021

We have received your Student Self-Reported Academic Record (SSAR)

If you’d like to make updates to your record, please

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DS22 accepted!! :partying_face::tada:
In-state / 1560 SAT / 3.98 UW / 5.4 W / NMF

Congrats to all new Gators!! :crocodile::confetti_ball:


Grandparent waiver (maybe would have helped as supposedly if you have one they have to accept you before other OOS applicants with same credentials) but I am an idiot & didn’t find out about it until recently so I think her decision had already been made).
1430 SAT (took once 780r/650m guess she should have taken again, esp since she wants stem).
Commended NMF
State Semi-finalist Forensics extemp
Good Ecs
Strong essays

Keeping it painfully real. It feels like she applied to the wrong schools. DD22 was accepted MSU honors with scholarship back in Nov (rolling) did ADS competition exam and was a semi-finalist so offered more $. Rejected ED Cornell (bummed but not shocked). Rejected EA Tulane (expected). Postponed U of M where she has been accepted to and done the MMSS program on campus twice (we were floored). Now rejected UF which we thought was a fit (oops). Still has 7 RD apps but all reach. So unless U of M comes through during RD (who knows when the first wave will be and who knows if she’ll get in, on SCOIR she was completely in green on scattergram for EA but only 2 kids from her HS got in this year and everyone else was postponed) all we can say is Go Spartans.

I know everything will work out, but DH and I are stressing. DD22 is handling ok but was distressed about U of M. HS is great private Christian school but we live in an area with excellent public schools (U of M feeder school) and my observation is that so far she would have had better results from our public school. Most of the kids from her HS end up at a handful of Christian schools with major scholarship $. While the past admit rates for DD 24’s HS to U of M were higher for ea, few end up attending which I understand doesn’t help (U of M ends up costing a lot more in state because of so much merit from private universities). But, our public school is conservative & not diverse so we opted for a private outside our bubble.

Open to thoughts. I felt like she applied to too many schools, I was wrong. Since this feels like a crapshoot, maybe a reach will unexpectedly come through.

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Sorry for your disappointment. So much uncertainty today when applying to college. My daughter was postponed from Mich too (where my other daughter goes) and it is her first choice. Hoping it all works out in the end for your daughter. My friend’s daughter was top of her class, excellent ECs, high ACT but on May 1st three years ago, she had 3 choices of the 15 colleges she applied to. One week later, she got off 3 waitlists and is now at Cornell. The process is agonizing but hopefully works out in the end. Wishing your daughter luck!

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My oldest is a junior at umich. She was postponed ED and accepted RD. The process was brutal and I get what you are saying. We a re living it now.

My youngest was accepted today at UF and it is her #1 choice. If she gets merit, UF is 100% where she will go. The postponements cannot be taken too seriously at UMich because they defer SO MANY and they make their decisions very late. Your daughter is still in it, I’m sure! Her stats are definitely in the ballpark. ​Do not give up hope!!! I am cheering for her! Good luck!

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