<p>Your test scores and GPA are on the low side. However, based on those I know that have gotten into Ohio State and UF, you should have a good chance.</p>
<p>avg SAT for those schools. Chances look good IMO. It seems to me like UF and OSU are almost the same in their respective regions: the colossal state school with excellent athletics and overabundant school pride that everyone dreams of attending. Everywhere you go (or everywhere I go lol), alumni proudly say “I’m a Gator” or “I’m a Buckeye!” I hope to one day share this feeling. Sorry if you feel I hijacked your thread to profess my love for two universities lol.</p>
<p>Foreal - recalculate your GPA using the UF guidelines and post it here - academic subjects only, don’t count + or -, 0.5 extra points for Honors/pre-IB classes and 1.0 extra points for AP/IB classes.</p>