Chances!! UF, FSU, and Ohio State!!

<p>I was wondering what my chances would be of getting into Florida State, University of Florida, and Ohio State, if not the fall term, then the summer term. Thank you so much!!</p>

<p>GPA- 4.43 weighted, 3.67 unweighted
SAT- 1730 (Math- 600, Reading- 580, Writing- 550)
Over 150 Volunteer hours
Varsity sport 2 years, JV one
Yearbook Editor
Different clubs
AICE Diploma received junior year
Dual Enrollment and AICE classes
Good rigor of classes including senior year
Top 20% of my class
3 years of spanish, one year of ASL
Decent essays
National Honor Society One year
Involved with church
Florida resident</p>

<p>You will most likely be admitted by Florida State. I am not familiar with the University of Florida but I think you have a decent chance. Ohio state could go either way (Sat a little low as OOS) but your gpa is really good. </p>

<p>Best of luck! Chance back?
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You should get into all three, although UF is ever so slightly iffy (SAT of 1740 is the cut off for the lower 25%, but hundreds of students get in with lower than 1730). Definitely in at FSU and OSU.</p>

<p>I would not pay a lot of extra money to go out of state to OSU, unless it has a program unavailable at UF or FSU that you really want. For similar costs, its up to you, but I would stay in Florida unless you are sure you can stand the cold. It really is brutal here during the winter. If OSU offers you a big scholarship (don’t count on it), then you might have to think hard.</p>