University of Georgia Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

My son was awarded Classic too! Very pleased! From the name I assume it’s not the tops but happy to have anything at all!

My son didn’t get any merit from UGA, but we’re in state, and he qualifies for Zell Miller (full tuition).

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“Classic” comes from Athens being Classic City.

It is a great scholarship for OOS students:


Non-Georgia residents may be offered annual, fully-renewable scholarships, providing a waiver of tuition and fees equal to half the differential between in-state and out-of-state costs. This opportunity currently provides a minimum value to each student of $9,520 per year.

Awards will be made to out-of-state residents presenting strong academic record. Students must maintain full-time enrollment and a 3.0 UGA GPA.”

If your student is accepted to the Honors college, they may apply for some additional scholarships like CURO.


Same for mine. OOS EA + honors but no merit in this initial round.

My daughter was accepted OOS for EA but no auto honors admit. She was awarded the Classic Scholarship as well which we were grateful for, but still not sure if it will be be affordable enough for us.

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same here- daughter OOS (NJ) accepted to UGA in the EA round but not to honors, and got that same email stating she did not yet get a merit award. Since she wasn’t expecting any award the email was more painful than helpful, but I appreciate UGA’s transparency and clarity (as usual).


Saw someone on Graves admissions blog refer to UGA as Surf City - - 2 girls admitted for every boy. Common Data Set basically backs it up (65%/35% female/male admittance ratio). Has it always been this way or is this a recent focus?

UGA has been this way for years I think. A lot of schools are. More females than males apply to college, and the disparity is getting bigger. UGA does not take gender into account. Georgia Tech on the other hand does take gender into account and for this reason the admission rate for females is significantly higher. It is crazy to think Tech is more gender balanced than UGA.


Carnegie Mellon and MIT are also gender balanced. MIT got our #1 and #3 students a couple years ago (both female) and I know one of them has a big name hedge fund internship this summer. Do these top Engineering and CS programs cause gender imbalances further down the ranks?

In 1972 there was a 12 point gender gap (56% men/44% women). That was the same year Title IX was passed. By 1982, there was no gender gap. in 2019 the gender gap was 14 points (57% women/43% men) and in 2022 it is 20 points (60% women/40% men).
Georgia Tech is making an effort to be gender balanced…by admitting more women. Is any university attempting to become gender balanced by admitting more men?
As recently as 4 years ago, the UGA student paper had an article about the “MRS degree”. I would think it should be re-termed “MR degree”.

Can you share statistics for getting the classic scholarship? We were hoping our daughter would get this but got the email saying that she wasn’t yet awarded any merit money. Thanks.

My daughter is OOS with

32 ACT (33 superscore)
3.85 unweighted gpa/4.70 weighted

Not sure what UGA gpa was

10 AP’s

Good EC’s and volunteer work with a part time job as well

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Does anyone know of waiting to accept your EA admission would increase your chances of getting more merit?

Hmmm no

D23 had a 1420 SAT
4.0 UW/ 10 AP + 2IB (all 5s/7s on the 5AP/2IB tests she has taken so far)
Strong extracurriculars and 200+ volunteer hours

She received classic scholarship at UGA but got lowest tier of merit at South Carolina so I’m starting to think there’s no rhyme or reason to the decisions!

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Does anyone have any suspicions for when Foundation Fellowship interview requests will be sent out? I know UGA says that the notification is around early January but I was wondering if anyone might know a specific day.

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S15 received his interview invitation/finalist status notification January 14. Good luck!

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Does anyone know where the additional LOR should be emailed for deferred applicants?

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do they ask for one or simply updated grades? If they asked for one, I assume they’d provide instructions. If they don’t ask for one, I wouldn’t send one.

In any case, email or call and ask.

From their website:

Students who receive a deferral of decision are academically competitive for admissions, and are deferred so that their application can undergo additional holistic review. We recommend that deferred students submit updated academic information.

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it says you may send an additional LOR in the info on deferred applicants. I found the email in the blog.