University of Georgia Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

UGA Foundation Fellow finalists notifications are out! Check your emails! Good luck!


My son was admitted EA and has not yet visited the school. We are planning to go next week Mon/Tues and he has registered for a general campus tour (just one spot open- so no tour for me unless something opens up). As an admitted student is there anything special he should reach out to his admissions counselor for, perhaps particularly with respect to Honors College to which he was auto-admitted? I know it’s a huge school so this might be all we could hope for but just wanted to make sure we weren’t missing opportunities while we are there. Doesn’t look like there are any sort of “admitted students weekend” type things this spring?


There are supposed to be “New Dawg Sessions” coming soon per the admission portal. The UGA Blog stated that the dates will hopefully be announced soon. These are for admitted students. We are waiting and checking for those as well.


Any idea what the admit rate will be this year for “deferred” if you’re OOS?

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Someone asked this on the admission blog comments (highly recommended to read both blog and comments!). The admissions office said no way to even guess - applications are up so dramatically over the past several years that their past experience can’t be used to predict this admissions cycle. I do wish they could give a range for this though! Georgia Tech does - and in the past 2 years deferred applicants have a 20 percent chance of admission. My thought is UGA is quite a bit higher than this based on past admission cycles but no way to tell!


We toured in Dec under the exact same circumstances. No special Honors college tour for us, but guide was able to answer a lot of questions about Honors. And we were able to walk around on our own and go into a lot of open buildings - so very easy to get a feel for campus. Have fun!


It looks like you’ve already been to visit UGA, but one tour we took in addition to the admission tour which was really helpful was the business school tour. You sign up directly on the Terry website. The facilities are unbelievable and opportunities are vast. Very impressive!


My daughter is OOS and was deferred from EA. She’s got a very good SAT - 99th percentile. When do you think UGA will start letting the first round of RD students know? Thanks.

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probably not until mid-March, unfortunately. there is no exact date yet.

I thought (probably got confused with some other school) that UGA would let some RDs know in early to mid-February. The waiting is tough. UGA is her best shot at a really great school. She was denied outright to Georgia Tech, and I think she’d really like UGA a lot more anyway.

I believe the Feb release is for a smaller group of mostly RD who would have been accepted if applied EA.

From the blog

These admitted freshman, made up of mostly Regular Decision applicants, met the stringent academic criteria of Early Action admission

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So, you’re saying that if you were Deferred EA, then you aren’t going to slip in February, you’ll have to wait until March?

That’s how it usually is. Feb release is applicants who applied RD with EA admit stats and the rest of RD and EA deferral group hears in March.


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They do let some RD kids know in February. It’s a small number, and typically kids that would have gotten in EA had they applied then.

There are also a handful of EA kids that get in. A friends kid applied EA and got in in February. Nothing really changed with this application except for semester grades. He had very high rigor that semester and maybe that was enough to tip him over.

It’s an extremely small number and percentage of the pool. The vast majority will hear in March.

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The out-of-state acceptance rate for Georgia Tech for EA was 10%. An additional 20% of the pool was deferred. They either denied or offered pathways to the rest. There’s only a 20% chance of admission after deferral at Georgia Tech based on the last couple of years, so even with a GT deferral the student needs to have other plans on board.

As frustrating as it is, don’t get discouraged. This is a long drawn out process.


Couldn’t find a place to update mid-year grades on the portal but common app says UGA downloaded mid-year report.

Where does it show that on the common app?

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Classmate of DC got accepted this week. Guessing this is one of those cases that was regular decision upgraded? Sad thing is this classmate doesn’t even really want to go to UGA. There was group from school that applied because my DC did.

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