University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Class of 2027 Official Thread

Has anyone who was invited to apply to Gies Business Honors program and applied heard back either way?

I applied and got the email they would delay until today, still nothing

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I read this post with mix feelings. We are instate and my daughter was deferred for CS. She’s a strong candidate but the ever increasing competition from other qualified OOS students is tough. We all want a good instate option but instead it seems these top CS kids are going farther away from home at greater tuition and travel expense. For many, this trade off is not doable financially.

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Yes, got notification about an hour ago.

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I understand how disappointing and frustrating that must be, and I do hope she gets accepted in RD.

But if it helps: IS and OOS students don’t compete with each other. Public schools decide how many OOS (including international) students they’re willing/able to admit. In some states, there is a legislative cap on the number of OOS students; and at other places, the school picks a number. I believe UIUC’s is 25%. The OOS applicants are competing for those limited number of seats, and IS students are competing for the rest.

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Did get the email. Selected for Gies James Scholar program. Happy about that but was hoping for the more selective Business Honors program and didn’t hear anything about that one (don’t know if you can be in both or it’s one or the other).

Thank you for your kind thoughts.

It would be interesting to see the stats if there is a larger than a 25% OOS population in engineering and CS. Maybe the less competitive majors make up a higher concentration of instate to get at the overall institutional goal? Since the CS program is so competitive there is a feeling that CS is out of reach for most instate applicants.


As parent belonging to one of the schools you listed above. We do have lot of students from our school go to UIUC. We have anywhere 20 to 30 kids attend the school every year. UIUC has the highest out of state attendance from our school. High school is very stem focused and students do come from high income neighborhoods. With UC’s admissions being like a lottery especially for CS and engineering this has become a good option.

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I think there’s three programs: Gies Scholars, James Scholars and Golder Freshman Initiative. Do you mean a different one?

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Was the notification admission decision?

This is exactly what i have heard with regard to universities with legislatorial mandate. The OOS/International students are capped by at an university level and not by major. CS Engg are highly competitive, and we can expect to see high % of OOS/Internationals in these programs.

Received an Email from UIUC. Decision at 4PM CST on Friday, March 3rd.


Thanks for the info - last decision he is waiting for!

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accepted to gies business honors program last night-
3.9/4.18, 1520 SAT, executive positions at 3 companies, leadership roles in more including raising 31K for volunteer org

Congratulations. Did your email explicitly state that you were accepted as a Gies Scholar?

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Yeah, starts off with

Congratulations, (name)!

You’ve been selected to join the Gies Scholar Program at the University of Illinois. Your application and interview truly impressed us throughout this highly competitive process, and we’re excited to welcome you to our program.


Congratulations :tada:

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Impressive! Congratulations on being selected!

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Today is the day. Nervous, anxious.

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Nervous as well! Twins applying. Do we know what time to expect decisions?