University of Kentucky Glitch on Common App?

S24 was all set to submit his application to University of Kentucky. The section where it says Academics and goes through several questions about parents education, if he is interested in ROTC, etc. is completely filled out. The next part of that section asks about Honors college and he put the essay in where he is supposed to . Also checked the box yes for another scholarship application and it says an email with an essay topic will be sent once application is submitted. Everything is complete and when he moves to the next section, the green check mark to show that section is complete is not there. We have each gone through it several times and cannot get that green check to appear. So he cannot submit the application because it isn’t complete. He is reaching out to UKY admissions tomorrow but wondering if anyone here has insights.

If I recall from a few years ago, sometimes Common App would have the type of glitch you describe. The solution was to delete all the responses in the particular section that wasn’t showing a green checkmark, then refresh the webpage so the section appears to have been untouched/new. Then enter the responses. Maybe you’ve already done this, but I’d keep trying.


ok will try that thanks.

If evergreen5’s suggestions don’t work, you might try another browser too.

Thanks, yeah it did not work. Crazy because he submitted all of the others no issues at all and all was fine with this one as well until he went through and realized the academic section was missing the green check mark. I will have him try a different browser.

H can use the university application if he is still having no luck. I get that it will be more work though.