University of Maryland College Park (UMD) Early Action for Fall 2023

“The federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act requires the University of Maryland to establish and maintain policies that address unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol, illicit drugs and controlled substances. Under federal law , cannabis is considered a controlled substance; therefore, cannabis is not permitted on campus or at University-sponsored activities under any circumstances.”

From UMD Office of Student Conduct

I was not trying to say that marijuana will be legal on Campus. I was just trying to let people, especially parents, know that various forms of marijuana products are likely to be legally available in the College Park area.

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Thank you! I appreciate it, I still have Terps.

Unfortunately, that has been the case for sometime with medical marijuana and odors in various neighborhoods on the weekend, evenings, etc.

There is going to be quite a bit of confusion.
The local county (Prince Georges) prohibits smoking tobacco, marijuanna, vaping, ecigs, etc.,
in public spaces and parks ( many around UMD).


Yes, it is going to be confusing and while it is somewhat easy to control smoking, vaping, etc., it may be more difficult to control marijuana gummies, brownies and other edibles.

GM, Does anyone know the if the height of the bed loft can be adjusted? I don’t want the bed to be too high. Just want it to be raised around three feet from the ground.

Swan, the parents facebook page would help with this question.

Hi All. My son got in UMD in L&S and planning to go for CS. He has met two out of three gateway requirement. Math 140 by AP in High School and CMS-131 by clearing placement exam. Now only CMS 132 is pending with 2.7 GPA.
He is planning to get 19 credits (6 subjects) in his first sememster. He has STAT 400, ENGL 120, FIRE 120, CMS 132 and two gen eds (GEOG 202 and public speaking).
To be admitted to CS starting from Fall semester he needs to get 2.7 and above GPA. He is capable of doing it but is it advisable to take 19 credit? How hard it is to get good GPA with these subjects?

No, don’t take 19 first semester.
Campus is big, dorms and dining halls crowded, everything will take longer to navigate.
Quality over quantity. Take 15 credits & shoot for all As.
My Terps never took 19 credits a semester.
Many easy gen eds are easy to pick up in summer or later. Some have a lot of reading or projects with other students (team projects can take more time).
FIRE has independent research requirement outside of listed class times.

See Planet Terp website for reviews of professors- some may be infamous for being hard graders. See UMD Terp parent FB.

Thanks a lot.

Are all his classes in person in real time? Last spring some were still hybrid or entirely asynchronous. Adjusting to technology and modes of assessment, is alot first semester.

You can see in Testudo who is instructor, maybe a syllabus with grading scale (will there be a curve?)
then compare on Planet Terp.

There is no reward for taking 19 credits right now, imo. Lots of stress and concern for hitting GPA.

Some majors limit how many times a prerequisite or gateway class may be attempted and a Withdrawal would count as an attempt. Some like psych may require a B and only one attempt for certain prereqs.

Can keep 19 for now and drop during first week. But don’t miss the deadline to drop without financial penalty or counting as an attempt.

Hope he has a great time as a Terp.

I think all classes are in person now. I will check though.
Yeh, I discussed with my son and he also agreed to take 16 credits for first semester and first clear gateway condition for CS and get into CS in spring.

Thanks for your advice.

I was trying to create a new thread but could not get it to work, so I am posting this here.

It appears that starting in the FALL of 2024 (not this Fall) UMD will be imposing new requirements on transferring from L&S to CS.

The following link gives some info and discussion on that. I have no other info that I can add.

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Thanks for the post @SoofDad.

I created a Fall 2024 thread just now.

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