University of Maryland vs. Northeastern?

<p>Hey guys.</p>

<p>I'm currently debating between going to University of Maryland & Northeastern University.</p>

<p>I'm planning to major in Computer Engineering.</p>

<p>Northeastern has given me $20,000 / year, UMD is still reviewing my application for merit scholarship consideration.</p>

<p>I'm in the honors program for both schools.</p>

<p>I'm just wondering what you guys think in regards to which is a better school.</p>


<p>Before you worry about which is better, run your numbers here: [FinAid</a> | Calculators | Award Letter Comparison Tool](<a href=ā€œYour Guide for College Financial Aid - Finaidā€>Award Letter Requirements - Finaid) Then, when you find out what kind of aid UMD is offering, run the numbers again.</p>

<p>Two excellent choices ā€“ to be honest, Finances being equal, I could argue it either way.</p>

<p>Just wanna let you know that Maryland has sent out all of their merit scholarship notifications, from what I hear. </p>

<p>Iā€™m a little biased, but my vote is for Maryland :)</p>