University of Miami 2021 Early Action Thread

I haven’t been receiving emails from UMiami at all… I cleared my inbox out last month so I probably trashed some of their emails. And no scholarship email from today :confused:

@therealdeal23 no

@elise303 no

Any chance decisions could be released tomorrow?? I just need to know (accept or reject) to satisfy my own curiousity

@memcg3 “Late January”

maybe they are releasing the decisions/invites by alphabetical order

elise303…Anyone applying to Frost has applied RD (ED and EA not allowed), and is required to audition. So no. I have my audition next week.

@PCJazz, that makes sense. Good luck with the audition.

Wait so if I checked “applying for financial aid” and I still haven’t turned in my CSS exc…, am I at a disadvantage for just getting admitted?

I just read this in an email: “Financial aid and admission applications that are not complete by the deadline will be at a distinct disadvantage and will likely not be admitted.”

Okay guys, I also got the nomination for the Stamps, Singer, and Weeks scholarships. I had a 1540 sat (800 Math), got plenty of B’s in high school (but I went to a pretty good high school), and had a lot of unfocused extracurriculars.

Before I book my flight tickets (I live in Chicago), how likely is it to actually win one of these awards? Like how many people are nominated? And how many actually win them? Does anyone have this info?

Thanks in advance.

Did anyone get a nomination for Hammond?

@Hickey When I was reading through the class of 2019’s EA thread to see when their decisions came out, I read that 300 people get nominated and 50 get it. I would google that thread and find that just to make sure but I am fairly certain that’s what it was. And I don’t want to start anything, but 2019’s came out early February on the 7th (they were told it would be early feb) which is a saturday… is there a chance it could be today?

@amarz12 I doubt it. I’m thinking 1/27 Friday. They will post it on twitter when it’s available.

Does anyone know how to send the additional Stamps essay?

Not sure. If you figure out let me know

Sure! I will call the office on Monday.

Does anyone know if they release the scholarship emails all on the same day?

@Hickey if you don’t mind me asking what HS do you go to? I’m from Chicago too with 33 ACT, top 4% of class of 760, and a lot of leadership roles in ec’s…haven’t gotten an email when I was kind of expecting one

if the scholarship emails have been sent wouldn’t that mean they are finished reviewing applications? I don’t think that they only release decisions on Fridays as last year ea was released on a Monday… hoping we find out asap!

So the general consensus is that if you didn’t get a scholarship email you’re rejected/deferred?