University of Miami 2021 Early Action Thread

Hey! Is there a groupme or something for accepted students? I know a link was posted some time ago but it doesn’t appear to be functional now.

@ParentFund1 I can’t believe you would even be lurking on CC or this link as an unregistered person. That is very weird. It’s even stranger that you would take the time to register and call me a “left wing *” - I can only imagine what four letter word the * represents, and I imagine it’s very insulting. The 3mm/year sea level rise you quote is outdated science, applied only to sea level over the whole world, and doesn’t apply to costal rising which will be much higher. Miami already has flooding 4 times a year based on lunar tides alone, and when it rains the flooding is even more pronounced. Call me names all you want, but read the science journals and not Breibart or Infowars or GOP propaganda. Heck, just google “flooding in Miami” and you will see article after article about flooding and that Miami Beach will be under water by 2025. Frankly, I would like to send my child to a college where he can attend football games as an alumni, he can retrieve his transcript if he needs it, there will be a viable network before and after him, etc. The science is real, even if you don’t like it.

This post should probably be on a new thread and not on this one

Such a scam. They waitlist people and accept some of them so some will attend a pay full freight for people less qualified that got in.

I got waitlisted too. Like your son I am well-qualified to be accepted


That makes no sense