University of Miami 2021 Early Action Thread

@kslinky what is the name of scholarship?

George W Jenkins @Harryp17

Bummer, my student wouldn’t be eligible for that one since it looks like The Jenkins is only for certain states (Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama &Tennessee) and needed the required essay & counselor nomination by Dec. 1.

Did anyone else receive an email about the HHMI Integrated Biology/Chemistry program? I’m considering applying

@spotifyshaggy yes, my DD did and may apply too.

@spotifyshaggy yes my D did as well. She’s considering applying.

does anyone have more info on it?

I got accepted into the UMIAMI class of 2021, and wanted to know if there is a college groupchat somewhere?

when do deferred people hear

@collegecrazyperson I’m not sure the exact date, but probably the same time as Regular Decision applicants

Did anyone go to the feb 24 stamps schoalrship weekend? If so, did they interview you?

Help! I think we messed up. DS applied ED II and received notice that he was deferred. He later received an email offering a modest scholarship and we knew that he had been admitted. DS apparently did not go on to CaneLink. I was just in his CaneLink and saw that he was actually admitted ED II and was to accept by 3/1/17. Problem.-- we had been requested to submit additional info for financial aid and need more aid to send him. Advice please.

You should give them a call now.

Thanks. I did go give them a call but the person reviewing his file is out today. (Good.) Has any one been in this situation – where you needed the aid response?

A friend of mine missed an earlier date as well and when she called them they told her to get the paperwork in ASAP. She did and she’s still waiting to hear back. She missed it by a month.

We were late doing in the CSS profile and didn’t see that they wanted documents uploaded. They told us to get the documents into IDOC by 3/1/17 and we did that. I pray DS gets enough. I think he will like UM.

That was her problem to. We are going for a visit during spring break. I think my d will like it to. Good luck to your son.

Thanks. Good luck to you, too and enjoy your visit.

I have a questions that may sound crazy, but it does give me concern. With climate change, or whatever you want to call it, will UM even be around in 30-50 years? There is already flooding in Miami, and all the maps forecast for a significant portion of Miami to be underwater in 50 years. The FL legislature won’t address it (maybe they won’t mind getting rid of the liberal south), and Trump/GOP policies will hasten the flooding/ignore it completely. All scientists are in agreement that this is going to happen, the politicians…not so much. I’m concerned about spending $250,000 for a college degree from a school that is underwater in 30-50 years.

tmeg01, I can’t believe I registered just to respond to your ludicrous posting but I felt compelled. Also, I’m not sure if you truly believe this or just a left wing troll. If for real then my response is this, Miami will be around for a long time. Much like Al Gore thinking lower Manhattan will be underwater by now it’s all propaganda to get donations to activist organizations. The highest estimate of sea level rise is 3mm a year. That’s an inch every 10 years if the alarmists are even right. They won’t be. But let’s say in bizarre world Miami is gone in 50 years do you really think that means your degree is meaningless? I guess you should feel the same way about the other 500 Universities parked near a coast.