University of Miami: Are freshman year grades calculated into my GPA for admissions?

Does the University of Miami consider high school freshman year grades when calculating your GPA for admissions? I know freshman grades are looked at but are they considered into the GPA? I didn’t do too well my freshman year. I made all A’s my sophomore and junior year and will continue the trend through my senior year. Will my freshman year be weighted less than my other years is it is weighted at all. I don’t quite remember what I made freshman year; I do know I made one D. I’m going to get my transcript one day this week to see exactly what i made.

Most likely they do. I know the CA public colleges don’t directly look at freshman year GPA. Princeton didn’t (though I’m not sure that’s still accurate), and I think Stanford.

Most schools use freshman grades – the one sure way to find out would be to call/email admissions and ask. Even if freshman grades are counted an upward trend would be welcome. Perhaps move this to the UMiami page since it is school specific.