University of Miami Class of 2019 Early Action Results


I don’t have it. What in the world does that mean ooohhmyygoodnesss

I don’t have it either. Personally, I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

Guys who don’t have it… Go to your communications folder… The message that talks about your app received does it say “UGRD EA APP RECEIVED” ???

Was looking at last year’s thread. No green dot posts… Must be something new.

Yeah I went back and looked and nothing about the green dot! Guys PM for my number so I can show you what I’m talking about

No green dot and yes under communications I have “UGRD EA APP RECEIVED”. What is the significance of that? The green dot thing has me worried. In the box under application status I have a green “Application Complete.” Does everyone with a green dot also have “Application Complete?”

Look if gradually more and more people are getting then maybe it means they are uploading the decisions but making them private? But if not, then who knows? Maybe it’s some sort of maintenence lol

@killian1989‌ PM so we can send screenshots im confused rn

@mfrias - went to send you a private message but it won’t let me paste in a screen shot. Probably doing something wrong. I guess I will just have to wait until the decision comes out. The application status box they are talking about has been there since the beginning so I don’t understand why some people are saying it is something new.

@killian1989 You can’t send private messages until you have at least 15 posts.

I don’t think you can attach photos anyway

anyone else having trouble logging into the portal?

Guys, we are honestly freaking out so much. And if you’re all anything like me then it must be eating some of you up alive :0
In the meantime hey I’ve honestly got a legit question for all of you guys, choose to answer or not but I think it’s worth discussing! – What school at UM did you guys apply to and what do you guys like about that school/UM in general? Personally, I applied to Frost and I’ve literally been in love with UM my entire life ,especially its art dept. of course :slight_smile:

I applied to the arts and sciences school and I really love their medical anthropology program because it is literally exactly what I wanna study and not a lotta schools offer it…also I am in love with everything about Miami as a city its so vibrant and diverse and I also wanna study spanish so it couldn’t be more perfect!

I have the green dot, and it says “complete” above the “my applications” box. What do you think this means? Does anyone else have this?

@asticca16 That’s so awesome !! :slight_smile: Yup, you’ll have to know spanish.
Although I can tell you the only thing vibrant about Miami is probably a vacation to the Fountaine Bleu hotel and there’s nothing more diverse than the traffic on the Palmetto Expy #totallyserious #miamiansknowwhatimtalkingabout

I applied to arts & sciences because I want to study international law and Miami has a great program for international relations, foreign policy, and many international/study abroad opportunities. Plus, the location by Miami gives even more international connections. Also, there are extensive languages and I want to study 4 or 5.

@gchick143‌ hahah ya well I’m just anxious to get out of new england so i’ll take it

@asticca16 You’ll love the weather and the environment for sure, if you want to meet people from literally all over the place :slight_smile: