University of Miami Class of 2024

My daughters application said complete but never had the dot… I wish they’d rip the bandaid off for you guys. I have to think that a Covid has all these schools scrambling right now.

there is simply no way to tell, a lot of these little innuendos are on tons of college application portals, which set the forums on fire with questions. But the only way to really find out is when we find out. We have all waited so long up to this point, no reason that we can’t wait an hour or a day longer.

When I click on student admission now it says I’m not authorized to view this page. Last night I could get into student admission.

Where can I find the green dot


@collegecollege12 Are you on the full site or mobile??

It’s still not up uuugggghhhhh

Ugh I just wanted it to be today :frowning:

My only comment to the green dot just signifying application complete is that everyone would have it then and not everyone does. Again, my daughter had the message application complete for months but never the green dot. And when accepted the admissions tab below her student information magically populated with the green check. I think if you have that admissions box populated with the green dot that’s different than many others have right now which is nothing. And that’s what we typically found over the last two years meant deferred/waitlisted etc. These are not facts at all. Just our observations over three years.

I’m gonna give it another hour. If not then lets hope for tomorrow

I don’t see how it could end later than tomorrow since the Fall Student session happens on Thursday.

@raincat i agree. It has to be tomorrow

@raincat Sorry to say this, but there are 6 more admitted student sessions through the month of April. Fingers crossed for tomorrow, but remember, the published date is April 1. With all of the upheaval these days and the move to working from home, I wouldn’t be surprised if they needed an extension beyond April 1. Good .luck to all.


Oh, I thought the one announced via Twitter was the only one. Well, are much for my theory then.

Not to be grumpy or anything (though I suppose I am) but I am frustrated enough at this point that I’ve decided to just dip out of this whole guessing game. If kid gets an email notification to check his portal before April 1 I guess he will find out earlier. If not, we will wait until then (he’s not on here himself and doesn’t update the portal).

It’s understandable that some colleges need more time given what’s going on, but I don’t appreciate the “by April 1” approach. If it’s going to be on April 1, cool, say on April 1. But all the angst generated by having a “by such and such a date” but historically releasing decisions earlier, is unnecessary, IMHO. Much kinder to these kids to set a firm date.

Ok, grumpy rant over.

how do you know there are more admitted student sessions?

All colleges have to give you Regular decisions by April 1.

@jazz2020 yes I realize that the by April 1 date means no later than April 1. My point was it would be better to set a decision day so that we would know instead of us checking portals 10 times a day.

This sucks

@raincat I totally agree. It seems like that is the name of the game tho sadly

@partyparty the additional admitted student sessions were posted in the comments section of their Instagram post.