University of Miami Class of 2024

I agree I would hate if my parents were so invested in the process. My thinking is is that they want to know the results of other kids because parents always compare their children to others, and want confirmation that their kids are better. Therefore, they want to know other kid’s results so that if their child gets rejected, they can find someone who has lower scores (scores aren’t everything in the college admissions process) than their child and blame it on admissions rather than the facts.

It’s bothersome and oftentimes invasive but they feel they need to justify why or why not their kid got reject or accepted. I 100% agree with you, I’m just glad someone else though that too!

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Yes! Exactly my point. As someone going through the college process, it stresses me out more coming on these forums and seeing parents trying to get test scores, GPA, and anything else out of high school seniors. It is understandable to want to help reassure, but posting and asking for people to post their results is invasive. To each their own, but I hope parents can keep that in mind. It is not their business.

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Their out! He’s in! School of Business.

Mine is not out!

@FBLsMom What does your last name start with? Wondering if they are doing it alphabetically? Congrats to your son!

My admission decision is out, but I have not got a message. In my main student center, I have fall admission it says completed with a green dot and spring admission admitted

Son was accepted to Marine Science program.

No green dots, no green checks.

Last name begins with M.

Nice to see after yesterday’s soul crushing experience.

Has anyone received a notice of FA yet? If not, does anyone know when that info will be released?

I got in!! Microbiology and Immunology major!

where are you guys seeing this? in the message center?

my application status hasnt changed it still says complete with no green dot

Accepted as a finance major!

1320 SAT
93 gpa
Admitted after EA deferral
No green dots, ever

The message was on the mobile site.

My portal hasn’t changed, I’m in the school of communication, Massachusetts, last name starts with m, no green dot

I have nothing either (stole my mom’s account lol)! I’m in NJ and my last name starts with an H. No green dot either!

Go to message center. They don’t release acceptances all at the same time…or so I am told.

Not changed either, communications major, no green dot either.

Has anyone else gotten in ?

im in mass too with nothing changed

Still have nothing yet! Frost school. No green dot either! I’m from Connecticut so maybe it’s a northeast thing

Make sure to go into messages. That’s the only way we found it.

Marine Biology!!!
Green Dot for Fall
Green Checkmark and Accepted for Spring!

Waiting on the official letter to be posted!