University of Miami Deferred 2025

by april 1st with all of the RD potential students

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I didnt get a response. Which email did you guys send it to?


My admissions counsellor

Thank you!

So… anyone know when decisions are coming out?

They’re going to be released by April 1st, but I’m not sure when :slight_smile:

they just sent me an email about my portal and I shat bricks… was not a status update LOL

lol sameee

anyone know if applicants got a similar email last year with the subject “Reminder to access your Applicant Portal” and if they did, how long after did decisions come out??

omg what did the email say

to make sure my portal is set up because decisions should be in the coming weeks lol

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Yeah I almost peed myself when I got that email lmao

I know! Totally thought it was an update at first!

Is Friday 3/26 the expected RD release date?

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April 1st or sooner. No one knows for sure.

Does anyone’s financial aid stuff still say “received”?

where do you see this?

Right hand side of applicant portal, there’s a link to the financial aid portal

Does anyone know the rate of acceptance from deferral?

I asked them and they said they don’t release it

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