University of Miami Early Action 2026

going ed2 doesn’t really have much of a benefit for you, it’s actually better for UM because they get higher ED applicants, which means less aid for you and a binding commitment to attend UM.

deferral and waitlist is also a possibility. if you get deferred, i believe they’ll ask if you want to be put in the RD or ED2 pool

based on last year, it came out jan 29 at 4pm, but some people on here are saying it’ll come out on Friday the 28th. either way, I’m sure it’s coming out within this upcoming week

They don’t waitlist an EA. It’s either accepted, deferred or No - waitlists come from RD pool when they have accepted their limit (whatever that is) and have more viable candidates. Then you would have to ask to keep a spot on the waitlist. You then accept some other school and if there is an opening for you you would be offered a spot with very little time to make a new decision. Can even happen just days before the start of school. No reason to waitlist from earlier rounds so they don’t.

My 2020 HS grad was deferred from EA to RD, and then admitted in March with the RD population

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Was it to the College of Art and Sciences? My son got I. EA to that school but then got in ED2 to his top school then informed UM. :grinning:

It was Frost. Congrats to your son!

Oh wow - Frost is the best! My husband is on the med school faculty so we are U connected. That’s amazing. Did he go and does he love it?

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As much as we all loved Miami, he took a full ride at another music school and has been thriving there. Maybe my non-music kid will end up at the U, fingers crossed!


Right there with you! I have one waiting on UM EA now for engineering.

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any updates on decisions?

Just that email a bit ago making sure everyone could access the portal to make sure no issue when the information was released at the end of the month. If you believe the email then it means the end of January and not going in to February. 2020 and 2021 were both the last Fridays of the month of January so if they follow then it would be this Friday. Typically late afternoon. 2020 was around 6pm. Other years have been 4pm. All is speculation though.


Yes! There’s definitely a really good chance they’re coming out this friday.

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Does anyone know if it is easier to get in UM if you do not apply for financial aid?

you should apply for fin. aid regardless.

Please let it be tomorrow… :raised_hands: I mean they even got their own emoji!!


I don’t qualify

I don’t either and I did fill out a FAFSA this year and regretted it because then some harass me for the CSA profile and I’m not going through that for them to tell me we don’t qualify. You would think that being full pay would have some sway, but I did not find this the case when my son applied places, and I doubt it matters to them. They are going to get their money in the end from whoever and whatever way.

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If you watch the video on admissions page, he states that EA will release by the end of January.

Agree I think it will be tomorrow at 4pm or 6pm EST.