University of Miami Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission


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they did this past year
not for Spring admits

Yes the tour guide said when we filled out the common app it said something about how there was a housing shortage and that they couldn’t guarantee it but I just assumed I would call the office to find out what the deal was
now I guess we will wait till April :slight_smile:

DD accepted - biology major
4.3 W
No test scores
Some APs and lots of honors
Her essay was really strong and tied back to the ibis
2 sport varsity athlete, state qualifier and state champion

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Sorry, what is DD?

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Daughter accepted Health Sciences Canes scholarship
OOS (Illinois)
32 ACT
4.5w 3.9uw
8 AP/DE all 4s and 5s so far
Top 10% in the state
Great essays
Dancer with 15-20 hours of training per week - high school damce team and poms, dance company and classes
Lots of other extras like peer tutor, service projects, leadership positions, etc

Really loved what the university offers based on visiting in the spring


Deferred, OOS, URM, Engineering, 1510/3.97UW. 9 APs. All 5s. Congrats to all.

Usually dear daughter. DS is dear son. I don’t know if that’s what the poster intended but I would think so.

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4.32 GPA
1300 SAT
2 Sport Varsity Captain
PT Job since sophomore year
100+ volunteer hours

I hope these schools that are deferring all these high stat students get a big bite in the behind and their grand attempt at yield management nets them a ghost town of a campus. And yes, that’s sour grapes :slight_smile:

In all seriousness, congrats and good luck to those that got in and will be attending


What is the next date that we will hear for those of us with DC’s deferred to RD. Full pay ED applicant here who got deferred to RD. We need to make some decisions but seems like the U has an inordinate number of deferrals. Is that typical?

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Exactly same situation. Was deferred ED1 also full pay and I’m wondering what to do


OOS accepted, Heath Science
33 act, 4.4 gpa
11ap’s/2 DE all Honors or APs
NHRS,Very strong EC’s and volunteer work,Unique internship,President of 2 clubs, Research work
2 sport varsity athlete 4 yrs and Captain

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D23 accepted EA, 19k per yr merit
4.6 GPA
1530 SAT submitted
Business - Finance
high rigor
good ECs but no hook
showed interest/tour

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Accepted w/ $100k in prez scholarship. 3.93/4 gpa UW, no test submitted

congratulations! which program or school?

DD accepted EA
Neuroscience Major
Presidential Scholarship
invited to Health Professions Mentoring Program

Full IB Diploma Program
out of state
3.92 UW/ 4.5 W
varsity sport (dance)
loads of volunteer work
many clubs and organizations
Co-founder of 1 club
Founder of 1 club
Summer class @ Johns Hopkins
Summer Neuroscience Research Program at local University
Fall Neuroscience Research assistant at local University


Hi. For those who got accepted did they give sufficient grants?(of like 20k and above) Is the net price calculator somewhat accurate

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Do you mean merit aid (grants)? if so, yes more than 20K per year for DS. the net calculator was not an accurate measure of what would be paid (fortuneately).

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Oh wow. Thanks for the response

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Did anyone get accepted into engineering either ED1 or EA?

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