University of Miami v. Tulane University

My son has narrowed down his choices to these two fine universities! I am looking for any information, thoughts, differences, etc that current students, parents and alumni can share that would help us differentiate the two. Cost is not a factor in his decision making. We have visited both schools multiple times, sat in on classes, etc. so are familiar with all of the “tour” information that has been shared but trying to look beyond to help him make his decision. He probably will not join a fraternity, would participate in running, tennis and soccer at either the club or recreation level. He is interested in studying psychology with a possible double major or minor in education or political science. He is also interested in participating in research. Will post this on Tulane’s board as well. Thanks in advance, College Confidential!

Can you please share your thoughts on both of the universities you mentioned. What did you son like or dislike about Tulane and Miami?

My older D graduated Tulane last year and younger D is graduating Miami next month. Both girls loved their college experience - I know I’m not making the decision easier. But the cites have a very different vibe so it is really a matter of what your son will like better. If you have specific questions feel free to ask/

I graduated from Miami with a Psychology degree. The department was decent but I never felt it was stellar. I don’t know how it compares to Tulane’s program.

Miami’s campus is beautiful and very much what you’d think of when you imagine a college campus. But the town of Oxford is tiny and there isn’t much to do. That’s fine if you are okay with a relatively quiet four years. I joined a sorority so that helped me socially. It’s a big Greek school but I had friends who weren’t in them too.

School fit is always talked about and it seems very vague but I believe in it. My D couldnt decide between a large city university and a smaller college and ultimately felt more comfortable at the larger school when she visited. She’s very happy with her decision. It’s hard to put into words but the feeling you get when you’re on campus or think about attending can help in the decision.

Good luck!

@veehee The University of Miami is in Miami, FL. I think you got your Miami’s mixed up.

@fallschurchmom This is a close comparison of two schools. My son loved Tulane but ended up at Miami because of his major. The big differences that I can think of are rather superficial. Miami’s location and access to the water and incredible beaches. Major sports are bigger at Miami than Tulane. You have creole food at Tulane vs Cuban at Miami. Both great schools and cities - I’m sure he’ll love whichever he chooses! Good luck!

My daughter is choosing between these 2 schools as well, along with UMD and IU/Kelley, as a business major. We are going tot the Future Cane Day in Miami next weekend and she is doing Cane for a Day that Friday before as well. What does your son like/dislike about Miami? Any tips for our visit? She has visited the other 3 schools 2x each, loves them all she says, can see herself there. She especially loves Tulane’s campus and describes it as homey and “chill”. Even w/merit, Tulane is the most $$, and Miami not much more than IU…I’m trying to stay out of it an let her choose.

UMD was on our list as well, but for my son, too close to home as we live in Northern Virginia. Other schools high on his list, admitted, but now gone are Florida, Clemson and Georgia.

We are currently in Miami for our 3rd visit. Did the admitted student visit today and he is doing Cane for a Day tomorrow. Would have loved to do the Future Cane Open House but didn’t fit into our schedule. Visited Tulane two weeks ago so both very fresh in our minds. Can share more after tomorrow’s visit.

We have pulled cost out of the equation for him. He was originally waitlisted at Miami. Before that, Miami was definitely, definitely his first choice. Once he was waitlisted and needed to find another first choice, Tulane was where he thought he would attend… then got the call that he was admitted! Now, both look great to him!

Assuming academics and research opportunities are equal for his majors, which we believe they are:

So far, likes Tulane dorms better, TIDES classes and proximity to Audubon Park.

Miami, it’s all about the U! Bigger athletics ( but doesn’t like football stadium off campus), likes the Cognates.

All else seems pretty comparable. I don’t think there is anything he really dislikes about either. Both cities are easy to navigate with public transportation, close to airports, great food, feel you will never run out of things to do in either city.

As many have said, no bad decisions here! We will see if Cane for a Day makes or breaks his decision!

I think class size and academics are similar. One difference is that Tulane makes students live on campus two years and Miami only one year. Most Miami sophomores move off campus after freshman year. The off campus apartments are much nicer and more expensive in Coral Gables but not many are within walking distance of campus. Tulane students tend to move off campus to funky old houses right near campus which are not as nice, not as expensive but there is also more crime close to Tulane campus and you don’t have the nice apartments with security as in Coral Gables. One advantage for your son at Tulane is there are many more girls than guys. At Miami it’s pretty even. Football stadium is off campus at Miami and tailgating is huge. Stadium is on campus at Tulane but I don’t think it’s as well attended. Greek life is probably equivalent at both. Freshman dorms and cafeterias are equally bad at both. Miami has the beach and club scene. New Orleans is a very unique city with Southern hospitality, great food and Mardi Gras is awesome. Both my kids were incredibly happy with their choices and we enjoy having two awesome cities to visit.

Thank you everyone for sharing your information! We are now home, which is much easier to type from than my phone!

My son very much enjoyed his Cane for a Day visit yesterday. He felt that he got to see some things that we haven’t during our two other visits…Highlights…another dorm room ( the suite style), eating in the “other” cafeteria, riding the bus to class, sitting in on two classes, walking around campus one-on-one with a student. Definitely worthwhile.

Decision? To be determined! Probably the two big things he is thinking about…Which can he live without…big athletics or Mardi Gras/festivals. He has already decided that the beach isn’t that big of a draw, academics and opportunities are great either way. Happy to hear any other thoughts/comments!

Sad to say it was my last college visit ever…three kids, done!

Thanks again for the support, feedback and info!

@fallschurchmom Have you made a decision yet? A couple of things that I have noticed as a UM parent. The Greek scene is very noticeable and has a large impact on student social life there. Also, academically, it seems that there are some good programs at UM, particularly in the preprofessional schools, but not all programs are strong. In particularly, the Arts and Science College is relatively weak, as a result, the school vibe is not academic and I have found many of the students there not all that smart. Based on school statistics, I think that Tulane may have smarter kids. You may want to check out the respective quality of the departments at both Tulane and Miami before you make a final decision.

@Londondad Yes, my son is very excited to attend the U this fall! Hopefully, he will find all he is seeking there, both socially and academically. Very much appreciate your input.

Can you tell me if the U has an active parent Facebook page? I have submitted a request to join two different groups, neither of which have responded.

@fallschurchmom - the U has a very active Facebook group for parents of current & incoming students - the group is not an official U of Miami group. There is an official parent group but that is not very active at all. I can get you added to the active group. Just send me a private message with your name and I’ll let the group administrators know to approve your request. Welcome to the U family!

@NEILRRM -Thanks so much…just sent you a message!

@fallschurchmom - Welcome to the U.

@fallschurchmom - Welcome to the U! I think Neil will send you the link to the FB CPG. I believe he gave me access to that too. It’s a great, active group that’s always posting recommendations and questions. I think your son will love the school. I now have my second son there, and I think that it’s a great academic and social atmosphere. What part of the country are you in?

@VHFather and @TQfromtheU. Thanks so much for the welcome! We are very excited for him. We are in Northern Virginia, just outside of DC. Looking forward to the next four years of visits to warmer climates and rooting on the Canes!

@fallschurchmom @VHFather @TQfromtheU I also want to join the U Parents group! My son just committed last week after a wonderful 2nd visit! Go 'Canes (except when they play Duke, my alma mater, lol)!

@Steglitz90 Congrats! The U FB parents page is a very friendly, helpful group. I’m sure you know we’ve been rather successful in bball against Duke with Coach L. Also, who can forget that amazing last paly against Duke in football two years ago? Not me…Any ways, welcome to the U! Both of my boys have had amazing experiences both in and out of the classrooms. I’ll PM you the details