University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Good luck to your son…

Thanks!!! What’s the name of the group? We are waiting on a few reach school in March but most likely putting down the deposit now to ensure he gets priority for housing, etc. The Ohio State one is great for finding out all kinds of info.

It’s called University of Michigan Parents. Someone needs to invite you to the group.
There is no priority for housing at Michigan. It doesn’t matter when you pay the deposit.

Thanks, yeah, mistype and I think it was because we had watched some of the MT Senior Videos on youtube and UPROD stuck in my head :slight_smile:

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ACT 35
3.98 UW, 4.6 W
Applied to Ross


Accepted lsa/Ross
3.9 ish uw 4.2 w
32 ACT (34 ss)
OOS Ohio



FWIW, I’d think this applicant is an example of being “overqualified” or “high stat” and was NOT postponed/deferred by UMich in EA.

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@Knowsstuff @sushiritto or any other current parents - how would your describe the learning environment for your kids at Michigan? Collaborative? Competitive? Thanks for your insight and for keeping everyone sane during this stressful time!

First time poster, long time reader here -


Top 5 NY State public school (top 35 nationally)
SAT 1590 (superscored 1600)
4.00 UW, 4.6 W
16 AP/Honors classes
LSA/Applied to Ross
No legacy, wasn’t able to visit b/c COVID. Wears holes in his Michigan sweatshirts. Has since 5th grade.
In hindsight his essay was why Ross and not why LSA. Was NOT asked for additional grades, WAS invited to write the add’l 250 word essay.


I feel your pain. My OOS AZ son College of Engineering was also postponed. Similar stats. No legacy. Not able to visit. Struggled with first essay. Cannot imagine doing another!

Hello and congratulations to everyone who was accepted!
I have a question. My son, OOS (CA) was accepted on Friday night but he applied RD, not EA. He submitted his application super early (he’s proactive and doesn’t like to sit on things) and I am wondering if it got grouped with all the EA applicants?

His stats are:
Admitted to LSA Math
3.97 UW GPA / 4.63 W
ACT 35 (one sitting in sophomore year)
No subject tests - registered and was cancelled 4 times
5 AP exams (APUSH, Bio, Chem, Calc AB, AP Lang) - 3 on AP Lang, 5’s on everything else
13 year travel ice hockey (since 5 years old), team captain for the past 3 years, State Champion in 2019 (and favorite to win Nationals but cancelled due to COVID)
A couple of clubs, etc, etc.

My questions are:
did his RD application got pooled with EA?
if there is no mention of scholarship, does that mean there will be none?
Thank you in advance.

My daughter was also postponed from

SAT 1570 (one take)
4.0/4.76 all honors plus 13 APs (including Physics C Mechanics and E&M, Chemistry, Calc AB in 10th and BC In 11th, Biology, Computer Science)
Taking linear algebra and MV calculus online as she ran out of math classes at HS


Well when I ask my son how’s it going he says either one or two insightful things… "Good " or “Ok”…

What he means by that is that it’s very collaborative. His high school was extremely academic and actually both but yes competitive. He’s in engineering and they force them to work together lol…

I don’t think he feels like He’s competing with anyone. He made a comment to me last year about… Everyone is “Struggling” together… I think that pretty much sums up Michigan… :joy:… It’s a tough school.
More importantly. Most of his classes are smaller then people realize. Mostly less then 50 people and sometimes like 25. His professor care and want the kids to excel. They are always available and most even know his name… Yes, at a large Big Ten School. My wife went there 40 years ago and it was the same culture of excellence in academics.

So we haven’t seen anyone being cut throat but I am sure they are there. The kids I have met have been all nice. One thing though… They all seem to have their own thing going on. They are mostly very smart kids and mostly driven…

I can go on but if you have anymore questions just ask or PM me


Are they still sending decisions out? We still haven’t heard as of Sunday at 5 EST.

They want to check that he really wants to go there and it’s not just a back up. If he wants it then go get it. Let them know. Not the time to be shy…

Hmmm… Call tomorrow. You will need your child’s ID number.

Soooo… Don’t question it. If it has his name on and and says Accepted then congrats. His AO might of just decided he didn’t need to wait.

If not instate then no merit and even then it’s hard to get. They do decent with financial aid though…

Knowsstuff -

That makes sense, thanks very much. He asked me if he could attach pictures of himself over the years in his various sweatshirts with his next essay. We never knew where it came from, but from about 5th grade on he was clear in his mind. Like you said, I guess time for him to make sure that’s also clear in his application.

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My kid also applied RD before the EA deadline and got accepted to LSA EA too. We were so caught off guard but obviously excited to hear back early!

3.97 UW GPA/ 4.21 W
No test scores, all tests cancelled
Very focused EC

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If they asked you to send grades then do so but I doubt they would. Do the Loci and tell them why you want to be there. Same situation as above… If you want it then go after it.