University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I don’t know if they want it but this is a crazy year so yes. It has to go to his AO for his school … People will balk at this. But I wouldn’t. I tell my kids that sometimes you gotta “Bet on yourself”… This is one of those times… If that doesn’t convince them with your LOCI then I don’t know what will…

I want to know how it worked out. Have it go out by this Friday or sooner…

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I said the following message to someone who had high stats and was postponed in a private message.

UMich could probably fill their entire freshman class with all high stat unbelievably over-qualified applicants. While I don’t think UMich is at the level of Stanford, I went to a presentation at our local HS, where the Stanford rep said they deny 70% of the 4.0/1,600 type applicants because that’s not what they’re looking to do. Mich wants first gen, Pell Grant type applicants, 50/50 male/female, private/public schools, representation from all 50 states, different ethnicities, instate/OOS, etc.

STEM, CS and Engineering are so popular today, do they admit all applicants with the same interests? I just think they’re trying to create a balanced class. And it’s a delicate balancing act.

The rhetorical question that I’d have to anyone postponed is, what is your HS’s yield to UMich. If there’s a bad track record, then that could explain some of it. Our local NorCal HS has about 550 +/- students per class. And they get about 65 students that apply each year to UMich. About 15-20 are admitted and between 7-10 enroll. It’s about a 50% yield from our local HS.

I think everyone here has an excellent chance to be admitted, but you must be patient. Mich requires patience in their admissions process. No doubt about it. That first wave of RD is LARGE. And I think it’ll come in about 3, possibly 4, Friday’s.



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My student accidentally applied CS@Engineering school. Is it too late to change to CS@LSA?

I am not questioning, just shocked because unexpected.
Let’s hope for some FinAid. Do you know when we get notified about that?

Thank you.

Don’t worry. He’s actually really not in anything. It’s just a place holder but they might make him do a cross campus transfer for the paperwork…

Call Monday and discuss and see if they can change him since he’s accepted… Anyway I assume the first year classes are almost identical but doesn’t LSA have to take a language?.. Unless you want that might want to reconsider… Lol. The difference is very minimal

Love this, thank you!

Think closer to March. But you can start the conversation now with them

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I know you said hypothetical but my S school uses Naviance which gives data that I don’t believe is confidential so in case it’s of interest -

2016 - 219 applied / 111 accepted / 46 enrolled = 42% yield
2017 - 247 applied / 107 accepted / 34 enrolled = 32% yield
2018 - 281 applied / 124 accepted / 46 enrolled = 37% yield
2019 - 259 applied / 145 accepted / 56 enrolled = 38% yield
2020 - 328 applied / 162 accepted / 60 enrolled = 37% yield

(I am calculating yield as # enrolled / # accepted - I believe this is right?)

I don’t know if those would be considered “good” yields or not but from what you say about your school they’re clearly lower than from some high schools.

I would say mostly collaborative. I’m sure there’s some competitiveness, but my D18’s classes have been mainly straight % in terms of grades. One recent Humanities class had 93-100 as an A. OTOH, a Chem class grading may have 83-100 as an A.

So, it’s not like the professors must have a spread (or curve) of grades, so there doesn’t seem to be kids stepping on each other to get the 10 A’s that will be handed out.

Also, my D is always joining study groups for classes and they’re very collaborative.

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I have a junior at the other UW…Washington. We are full pay for him. Trying to lessen the blow with #2 and save $$ for grad school.


May I ask what state is this school? For MI, that’s low. Instate yield is in the neighborhood of 70%.

If you’re OOS, in IL, NY, CA, NJ, FL, then those are WELL-represented states already.

That a crazy amount (50% ish) of acceptances. For the amount of acceptances, you would think the yield would be better. But the average yield across the entire class pre-pandemic was about 46%.

This is just my $0.02.

Sushiritto - of course and thank you for the reply.

NY state /NY city public school.

My S is taking comfort (OK, so am I) in the large number of absolute students that have been admitted for the last 5 years since he is in the top 10 students in his class academically. But as another poster pointed out, admissions offices have multiple criteria and at the end of the day they are atrying to “build” each class a certain way.

Sorry about not picking up the fact that you mentioned NYC in one of your previous posts.

I blame it on my Sunday laziness. :slight_smile:

Just wondering and again, this is a rhetorical question for all Ross applicants, will you attend UMich if only admitted to your home school?

There’s only about 500-600 spots available in the Ross freshman class and the acceptance rate was 12% prior to the EA apps increasing this year. Just food for thought.

My son was admitted OOS, Engineering, not a legacy

I would totally do that. No one else can compete with that!

I can only speak for my S (obviously) but if Michigan had an ED option he would have used it even without having had the chance to visit campus because of COVID, knowing that he’d be giving up his chances at the other schools he’s applied to if accepted.

He has a twin who applied ED to her dream school and was accepted so at least we’ve got that going for us for the next few months … which is nice, right?

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Do what the letter says. If it doesn’t specify then yes.

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That’s a cute idea, however, I’m pretty sure he can’t. If you look at the format of the “essay” it’s not an upload thing. You just type your 250 words right into their document through the applicant portal.

I wish your S the best of luck. I think he’ll get in. And that’s wonderful news that your D got into her ED.

My D21 is waiting on her own RD decisions (all CA) in March. I’ll be waiting here on CC with everyone else.