University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

While my son is very excited to get into UMich, had great stats and impressive ECs, and would strongly consider going there if he got scholarship money, based on your response, it sounds like any merit based scholarship would have been mentioned in the acceptance letter. Did I understand correctly?
Unfortunately, based on the FAFSA and CSS profiles, he won’t qualify for any need based aid but we live in CA so our actual ability to pay is not what shows on the financials and we are already paying a hefty load for our older son who is at UIUC studying CS and Engineering (and we are paying OOS). Our younger son(just admitted to UMich also wants to go to med school so scholarship $ are super important. He has some other great options so if merit aid doesn’t come through UMich may not be a reality. (Sigh!)

What state are you in?

Typically not but heh, it’s worth a phone call since some things might of changed due to covid. They will just tell right away.

Nvm, just noticed, Hawaii! Congratulations!

thank you!

Hey guys, was deferred. Super disappointed.
4.0 UW
4.8 W
34 ACT
Stellar essays and extracurriculars
Was told that umich was a no-brainer. I’m super confused and stressed. Now I’m worried about schools like brown and Dartmouth that I thought were attainable.

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Oh and also, I re-read my why UMich essay to see if I in any way didn’t express that I would love to attend the school. I still love my essay and stand by it :confused:

Just to clarify, when you mention “LOCI” for deferred/postponed students are you referring to the 250-word essay that UMich gives you the option to submit through the portal, or are you referring to an additional LOCI that you would send via email to your AO?

Oh that’s a good point. I just submitted the 250 word essay but nothing via email. Does anyone know if submitting the deferment essay could prompt an earlier decision release?

Hey in your LOCI did you mention anything from your “why umich” essay ? Ex: Goals for the future maybe ? or anything else ?

Wait what do you mean. I didn’t repeat anything but emphasized future hopes and tried to sum myself up as a person. Also used it partially to expand on my why umich essay.

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Last year first semester I received 2 As, 2 A-s, 1 B+, and 1 B taking 4 AP classes. Would it come off the wrong way if I mentioned in the LOCI that I got All 4 As and 1 B+ this semester taking 4 AP Classes again? I really haven’t done much since COVID, so this is probably the only thing that I could even possibly put for achievement.

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Does anyone know an approximate percentage of how many people out of who were deferred/postponed EA are accepted RD?


If you are sending your mid-year grades, UMich will already receive your grades so it wouldn’t be necessary to include it in your LOCI as well.

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So do I write the LOCI like the “why Michigan” essay basically?

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I’m no expert but just reading that gave me the visual…so maybe he can state that in his essay, a sentence about sweatshirts through the years…painting the picture that he is dedicated to the school but make sure it’s not just sport obsession Picture.

Good luck!!!

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You want to put yourself in the best light correct. Does this help you achieve this? I think it does. But you have to wrap that up with a convincing argument of why Michigan should accept you and how you can improve their campus if they do.

In my son’s essay (Senior at Michigan), he never once said that he wanted to attend. But he described the type of kids he wanted to learn with and that in itself described the type of student at Michigan.


That’s appreciated enormously, and much the same to everyone else here as well.

Thanks for the insight!

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