University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

There is also currently a stay at home order on campus and in the county until February 7th due to the new Covid variant that some students and residents have tested positive for.

Sorry, I’ll clarify. My fault.

The optional 250-word essay was introduced last year along with the rollout of Enrollment Connect. Prior to EC, deferred applicants debated whether to send one or not, without having the 250-word essay option that’s now offered postponed applicants. It leveled the playing field for all applicants.

Last year, two “pots” were introduced with EC. One “pot” got the 250-word essay option. The other “pot” were not given the 250-word option. This year too.

Michigan accepted postponed applicants from the “pot” that wasn’t given the 250-word essay option. And Michigan accepted postponed applicants from the pot that was given the 250-word essay option.

However, I don’t know if Michigan accepted postponed applicants given the 250-word essay option, but didn’t submit it. I don’t recall anyone given the LOCI option, electing to NOT use the LOCI option, and then being accepted.

I can’t say for sure everyone submitted the LOCI, given the option, but I don’t remember anyone stating they elected not to submit.


I was accepted to the school of Nursing!! Really excited, UMich was somewhat of a reach school and one of my top choices (assuming I can afford OOS tuition :grimacing:)
OOS from Georgia
GPA 3.7 UW/4.1 W, SAT 1450 (750 ERW/700 Math)
IB Diploma Candidate, 5 AP’s, 8 honors
National Merit Commended Student
Strong letters of rec and solid essays
Average EC’s:

  • Co-Founder/President of an advocacy group
  • Vice President of GSA
  • Officer/Coordinator of NAHS
  • Member of a few smaller clubs
  • OK volunteering, etc

Hey guys! I got in but i have decided to attend UW Madison. I hope that my spot goes to someone who is super excited about michigan. I wish you all the best of luck!


Back to “pots.” :grimacing:

The “pot” of postponed applicants has been much larger than “pot” of post 11/16 RD candidates. And with the increase of apps in EA, the % could be skewed further.

But honestly, no real info, other than to say, there aren’t too many “regular” RD applicants that have posted here in the past and so there’s not a lot of info on it.

The preponderance of evidence here on CC is that everyone that posts here is almost entirely EA or postponed EA.


There is a University of Michigan Prospective Parents Page on FB that you can join. And if your son/daughter decides to attend that are a host of other Parents pages on FB that you can join.

There is also a Prospective Parents page too

Yes, I am a member of that page too.
There’s also an official parent’s page UMichParents-Official.

My son was accepted EA, but about a week before sent a letter via email to his AO with an update about a reward he received at the beginning of the year for a successful fundraiser he coordinated during quarantine for a non profit that is important to him. No idea if that is what made the difference, but it’s the type of update his counselor said was good to send.

For those who did or didn’t apply to UVA EA, it’s worth checking out the Dean J blog. She talks a lot about stats, tests etc. and what is considered in the process. Since Michigan and UVA are comparable state schools, it’s worth it to check it out. Stats are not the end all, be all!

Ross specifically mentions on their website to talk about ross in the why umich essay. Me and 2 of my friends did that and got accepted.

Following their instructions is a good thing.

Ohyesdad -

Good to hear that as it’s what my S did in his Why Michigan essay as well. As other posters have said, he’s now got a chance to make it clear to his readers how he feels about the school. After that, it’s out of his hands and I’m sure he’ll be fine. But if he DOES get in, he’ll look you up on campus and thank you in person for the kindness here.

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Question how formal does the LOCI have to be lol ? I added a “Go blue !” at the end of it and I thought it was neat but just wanna make sure haha

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I think my S wants to add a “F*&K OHIO” …

yours is likely the better choice.


I’d be surprised if your kid was not accepted in the next round. Last year, my son was deferred, deferred, then waitlisted with lower stats than your kid. He’s an engineering freshman this year. Be sure to do the LOCI and send add’l grades whether they ask or not. I think my twins benefited from having a brother at UMich. They were both accepted on Friday–one is still waiting on Ross. I think demonstrated interest is important. Have him pour his heart out on the LOCI on why Michigan if he didn’t do so already.

I’m sorry someone told you that. UMich is not a “no-brainer” for almost anyone. That said, you still have a good chance of being accepted in RD, but you only have to look at previous years to see people with perfect/near perfect scores and grades being deferred/denied. There are many schools that are almost never safety schools and Michigan is one of those. Perhaps for a select few with perfect scores, perfect grades, and some other compelling angle or exceptional story Michigan can be a “safety” school, but those are few and far between.


I’d be surprised if most don’t end with GO BLUE!

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Congratulations - you probably are the most experienced on this forum now with 3 kids (possibly) going to University of Michigan! I was extra rooting for you since your son had a long (but worth it) wait last year & then how hard would it be as a parent to congratulate 1 twin & console the other? Glad you don’t have to do that - congratulations to your twins!


Congratulations on all 3 of them & if things shake out for my S as I hope they will let’s keep in touch and get a Reuben at Zingerman’s someday.

Yes my son applied to Ross but he would attend UM if only admitted to LSA, to study economics (his best and favorite subject in high school). His “Why Michigan” essay in the application talked about Ross, but the LOCI will state that he will attend regardless of the Ross outcome, to study economics.

The draft LOCI also mentions the fight song, the mission, his interactions with alums (including Dad here), staff and students.

But not Harbaugh. He couldn’t bring himself to say anything good about that JH (the other coach JH is much better).

Anyway, hope this helps get him off the deferred list and soon. His school will send out the 1st semester grades this week. He has 4 APs and got all As in the first semester.