University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

It’s usually on a Friday afternoon. Do you think it would be the 15 or more like the 22nd? Also will this be one big wave for EA or will they be tying in regular decisions “by the 31st” too?

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No clue on the date but they said “later” January. But they did say no rolling EA. One big EA day.

You can call and email also if needed. It’s an interesting approach this year and will have to see if this is a template for future years.

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January 29.

I have heard from the friend of an admissions officer/counselor that applicants should start to check their email/portal the week of January 25.

I heard January 15 for EA decisions. Sounds like others have heard later dates.

Did you email them?

Does anyone know if UMich received more EA apps this year? seems like a lot of schools have for EA

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Where did you hear Jan 29th from? Thanks!

I don’t remember where I read this but I think I saw it somewhere that they received or were expected to receive around 66000 early action applications. I’m not sure how that compares to last years.

In the past 2-3 years, UMich has received “nearly 40,000” EA apps. The rumor posted here is that there was a large increase this year.

someone in the know.

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Yoo quick question - hopefully someone knows the answer. I applied as TO since I don’t have an SAT or ACT score, but I want to submit my PSAT score. There currently is no option to self report my PSAT score on Enrollment Connect (only ACT, SAT, AP, English proficiency tests, etc.), and on their website it says they will email you regarding your test flexible option, but I still haven’t gotten it yet. Is anyone else experiencing the same thing? What should I do? It’s not the end of the world if I don’t submit my PSAT score but I would rather it be submitted since I think I did pretty well (1370/1520). Any feedback or advice would be appreciated!

I also emailed my AO back in November ahead of time to be proactive so I don’t want to bother her again about it.

What did she say about it in November? Follow that advice

I think in an earlier post someone said they received in the 50’s this year for EA. You can scroll back and look. Also, if you look back you’ll see this year there was no advantage to applying EA (supposedly) other than finding out your decision earlier.

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All known schools had an increase this year it seems and some sizable. I heard that Michigan had around 55,000 from around 40,-45,000 last year EA or something like that.

When I called the admissions office they said later January like last week… Anyone can email or call also FYI… They are very nice… So in 3 weeks you will know. Just remember getting deferred from Michigan is more the normal… Good Luck.

She said, and I quote, “Mitchell. No worries, once you apply, we will send you an email if we see no SAT or ACT scores reported but otherwise your app is complete. That email will ask if you wish to be read without the test. If you wish to self report your PSAT at that time it is up to you.” So I guess I’m just waiting for an email :man_shrugging:

quick chance me oos?

going for LSA in a public-health-like major

35, 3.86, 800s on Chem, Phys, and Math 2. (5 Lang, 4 French, 4 Chem, & As in ochem 1 & 2)

Public health research work submitted to journal; biochem research accepted into Stanford research symposium; Public Health films accepted into intl film fests; cofounder of public health club; published lit. review on novel method of antibiotic synthesis; volunteer work; scioly medaled 8 times.

LOR from research advisor @ Stanford, read it and apparently it’s good?

Essays were a solid 4/10 tbh—most likely my worst part of the app except for GPA?

If instate good chance, if OOS, get in line.

Quick enough?


Just to clarify she sent this to me back in November. Still haven’t received any email about submitting a PSAT score so I’m not sure what’s going on. Please tell me someone else is also experiencing this