University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Thanks!!! So basically just hang tight until the last wave? Do they send out rejections with each wave?

My son wants to go into investment banking so economics is definitely an alternative major.

I have heard this as well. You don’t need Ross from UM to get a similar job anywhere. If you major in Econ at UM those kids get the same jobs as Ross kids. Note that for Ross you can’t specialize in an area like Finance, Accounting, etc. Your degree is in Business Administration only. This was something that my daughter didn’t like and why she only applied Engineering at UM and not Ross and is in a business school elsewhere (that competes with Ross). Ross also has large classes so this is a question people should be asking during admit days if this is still the case.

UM selling point also for many is it’s huge alumni network. No matter what degree you get.

True. My sons in engineering but heading towards management (I guess… Lol :thinking:)… He is evaluating offers and they would put him there…

Your internships and being active on campus and in his case with one company doing a engineering study abroad and doing an internship in Israel was the icing on the cake. The one company he’s looking at is an international company… Not an issue at all.

Alumni are great if you go after them. Just a quick story, my son made a tech student org as a freshman with a Ross student. They registered it with the university on a Monday… With in the hour 2 alumni reached out. Seriously… One a local tech company in the tech and one from Silicon Valley. He was put on the student advisory board for the Silicon Valley one… So yeah… They are great. But normally you got to go after them. The local tech company start up became mentors to them.


@Knowsstuff - this is what I’m talking about…It’s not about what school/degree, but rather about what they DO and leverage with their time their…I’m trying to convey this to my kids now rather than chase the shiny object

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does anyone know when they’ll drop the first round of decisions after a deferral?

FWIW, a cross-campus transfer to Ross, while difficult, still has a roughly 51% acceptance rate, IIRC. Far better chances than Haas at Berkeley.

See Post #3494.

Yep… Being active is good. One thing my son did that gained him a $10,000 grant for his organization was this Barger Leadership Institute | U-M LSA

The CEO of Jet Blue supports it with think one of the VP of BP oil… The kids had a week back in AA over the summer of Freshman year (sophomore), they paid all expenses including food and arbnb… Great experience

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How do you see if the transcript has been downloaded? I don’t see anything about transcripts in enrollment connect, but it does say that everything required is received?

Do they usually give warnings or post a release schedule for RD waves?

No advanced warnings of release that I recall. Ross BBA does have a published release schedule on their blog. The last couple years, the other schools (LSA, CoE) followed this schedule. But again, this year is WAY different.

so are we just assuming its 2/26?

I’d say as early as Friday 2/19, but 2/26 would be about 1 month from the EA release and the RD deadline. Pure speculation, but 50/50, it’s one or the other. BTW, I’ve been wrong in the past. :wink:


I got in EA as an intl student (yay) to LSA and am in the process of applying for Honors.

The prompt is: There is significant skepticism about science in contemporary culture, from doubts about human-caused climate change to vaccinations, including potential COVID-19 vaccinations. What is the responsibility of the scientific community to engage the public, including a skeptical public? If you think scientists have such a responsibility, what should they do?

Would it be risky to say that the scientific community doesn’t have this obligation? I feel it is a unique perspective to take and I stand by what I say.

The system our school uses sends my son an email when the document is downloaded by the school. He can also log in to the place our school uses and also see when each university downloads the 7th semester grades. Ironically, a school he is waitlisted at took almost 2 weeks to download it! Luckily that one is not high on his list.

If I were reading such a viewpoint, it would be a strong negative for me. So many problems such as COVID and climate change are being made worse by skepticism of the underlying science. Scientists and their allies clearly need to do a better job of communicating with the general public. UM prides itself as a place where new discoveries are made and disseminated. To take such a head in the sand stance would be a huge turn off. (Current UM professor).

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That is what I feared as well thanks for helping! I do think my view is a bit more nuanced than an outright no. (“First, science should not challenge relative truths. Second, science should not engage in advocacy. Third, skepticism of science and the narrative of objective truth is reasonable.”) However, I do get the concern that it might be misinterpreted. Thanks again I’ll think through it.

Doesn’t Michigan look at mid year grades for deferred EA applicants?
The form says it will only look at what is included there?

Under Action Items it has Verify Continued Interest which is where you are seeing that information on them only looking at what is included there.

Under Messages if you click Decision Postponed you may have the following message saying to submit first semester grades "We have decided to postpone making a decision on your application at this time and your application will be moved into our regular decision pool for consideration. Your high school counselor should submit any new fall-term grades that are available on your behalf through the Common Application/Coalition Application.

All final admissions decisions of admit, deny, or waitlist will be made no later than early April."

I don’t know if everyone has the message to submit grades or not. I think them saying they will only look at what is included in the expression of continued interest is to keep people from emailing them and/or calling them directly.

Say what you want but I wouldn’t discuss it on an open forum.