University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Does anybody know about M-Sci program at LSA? Is it a competitive program for top students or a bridge-kind of program to those who are likely to be academically challenged? Does everybody gets invited/ can apply? How does it compare to Honors and Residential college programs? Thank you in advance!

You need to talk to an academic counselor about it or just call directly…

These programs sound like a bridge program if you want to call it that. It is a transition to college. But look at the support given plus they pay you to attend the summer session.

I honestly see no downside to it. What people don’t understand is that Michigan is an extremely difficult school. Any help or guidance to succeed would be welcomed. I think there is even financial aid support for those that need that. There are study groups that you will need anyway and it just seems like a win /win program with research guaranteed…

Did anyone (postponed), after typing their additional essay to verify continued interest, have a screen pop up asking them to log in and then the original 3 columns show up with nothing left to do? There’s no verification of the receipt of the additional essay?
In other words, how do you know your essay was uploaded?
Thank you!

That’s how you know you’re done with it. It tells you no further action is needed. You’re typing the essay right into the document and not uploading anything so as soon as you hit submit that’s it and it circles back to the main applicant portal.

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My daughter is deferred. Just curious, where do you see if the transcript have been downloaded? Thanks!

Through the system our school uses we can see that UM has downloaded it and my son also received an email from that system as well that it’s been downloaded by them.

Thank you. I am a bit confused if it’s bridge (very high score in 1 take/no prep, all A/A+s at a top magnet academic HS, great ECs, publications, though URM and need FA) but might call them directly. I wonder how does that program compare to Honors or Residential College?

Yes, I have heard this before. I am a top student so why me. Maybe this program isn’t for you. Probably just some computer matching maybe because being urm and needs financial aid. It seems like it’s own community of sorts. Keep in mind one thing. Every kid getting into Michigan is a top student. All of them. But the school still has study labs especially for math /science etc and those get filled up by top students. Seems like lots of students want research and a mentor. This seems to have it baked in. Lots of students need financial aid… Hmmm… This sorta of knows that already and they want you to be successful. Also most students want some sense of community and this gives you that also. That’s the premise of the program. I wish I had that going to college. Michigan is a very hard school for even the most top student and that doesn’t get talked-about enough. But there must be some Facebook group and /or maybe ask to talk to some students actually in the program. If you find out some good stuff let us know. Good Luck

Can I ask which school, or at least which state? That seems a very high number of applicants. Stuyvesant?

Helpful. Any idea if they have those two pots again this year? Is it reasonable to infer that being given the 250 word option is a positive (they’re just looking to confirm interest)? Stats from last year for ones who were given that option?

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I’ve said in earlier posts a NY public school, and also top 35 or so nationally so if there’s a cat here it’s already out of the bag for anyone who makes the effort, but in case it’s helpful to know my S is a senior at Bronx Science.

Amazing school. Though a high profile school like Bx Sci, Stuy, Hunter or BkTech is most likely the culprit. How typical is 4.0 uw gpa at a school like that? Or is it fairly common among top students?

FYI - your compared to your school not others especially these schools. The Michigan AO for these schools know the rigor and a B might be an A everywhere else. My sons school used to be number 1 in our state. We were actually told that colleges that know the reputation of his school Iike grade it differently… Go with that


I truthfully don’t have enough information to speak to that responsibly.

Any idea how a student would get access to “Wolverine Access”? On the financial aid page (Undergraduate | Financial Aid | University of Michigan) there are instructions to update your scholarship profile but the userid/password DC established previously on “Enrollment Connect” does not work…

any idea when financial aid will be released and admissions packets will come in the mail?

On your Enrollment Connect account, go to Friend Accounts and create one. Then, you’ll be able to access Wolverine Access using the login info that you just created. However, financial aid is still not out. Hope this helps!

I’m also going crazy over this. Knowing I’m in is great and all, but I want to if I’m even able to go.

Thanks! Follow up question… When will students get their Michigan e-mail IDs? This seems to be required for signing up for Living Communities.

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Can’t help you there because we have the same question haha. Hopefully, they’ll email us soon with that information.