University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Hopefully, everyone here on this thread will hear in one of the first two RD waves in February and March. In the past, both RD waves were about equal in size.

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There is no question it will drop. Also keep in mind that many, many students applied because they could since Act/Sat was not needed this year… Many would not qualify in any other year but heh, good for them :wink:.

To me it will be interesting what they do in future years. Will they just drop the Act /Sat if this goes well? But guess there’s no way to tell till this class graduates to see how well they did? Or maybe just evaluate the first year?

When would be the ideal time to submit the LOCI? I know the deadline is the 20th, but is there an advantage to submitting it earlier? (Sorry if this question was already asked and answered)

Sooner is better in my mind. I told people to use this Friday /Saturday as a deadline.

Will the first RD wave be at the end of the month?

When did the RD waves happen last year?

RD waves typically would take place on or about 2/1, 3/1 and 4/1, but the timing will be different this year, since EA decisions were just released last Friday.

I’d guess that the first RD wave will be timed with the Ross BBA wave on Friday 2/19.


I would think LSA would follow Ross except for their April Release. Think they would want to give LSA students more time than 2 weeks to decide unless the May 1st deadline is pushed back this year.

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I am resident of MI but my son stayed in previous state to finish HS. He applied as OOS to college of engineering and was postponed/deferred.
UW~GPA 3.9?. 14 Ap courses; including AP chem as sophomore, skipped over AB calculus and went into BC calculus as junior received 5 on ap test, after Physic 1 Skipped over Physics 2 went into physics C as a senior. Completed Multi variable calculus at local U during 1st semester of HS senior year, received an A. 4 years of sports, 34 ACT, part time job, tons of volunteering. After postponement quickly applied to Michigan State as safety. Scored 5 on most AP test a few 4s and only one 3 in AP chem during his sophomore year. Purchased 4 years of MESP before he was 5, Tuition is covered 100% at all public university in Michigan. Still Hopeful! Go Blue!

Since the due date for the deferral ECI information is 2/20 and the Ross decisions are 2/19, I wonder if there is a correlation there that perhaps they won’t release any deferral admits in that batch and will just wait until the 3/19 batch of Ross admits when they know just how many deferral candidates actually completed the ECI info and haven’t withdrawn.

By then they will also know more about the ED2 schools and which applicants have pulled out.

Your thought process is as good as mine. Just because they’ve timed Ross and the RD together before doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll do it again this year.

They may just skip 2/19 and instead do a 2/26 or even 3/5, but I don’t think they’ll wait beyond that for the first RD wave. Being a large public, typically they’ve got a lot of decisions to get out the door before April.

This is why I am saying get the essays out this weekend. Last few years kids that sent essays and grades actually got in before they sent them. Not many but some. If there is any chance to increase my odds I would want everything possible in now. Who knows if they will look at it sooner but I don’t understand the reason to wait. There were also students that sent in their loci and then were accepted shortly after so… If it was me I wouldn’t wait another 16 days.


@Knowsstuff @sushiritto - OK, serious question, since you two seem VERY much in the know…

My D was admitted to Stamps, is very excited to pursue Art & Design, however she wants to know how difficult it would be to transfer into LSA (at some point, not necessarily day one) to pursue Communication & Media?

She’s thinking of minoring in C&M, but fears she may need to consider majoring there if her career path takes a stronger hold/influence there.

I gather that SOME schools within UMICH will NOT accept transfers (Ross, Engineering - btw she has NO interest there), but is it easy enough to transfer b/t other schools?

ETA: I guess another way of asking is: Are there certain schools within MICH that you simply can’t transfer into unless directly admitted as a freshman?

I haven’t looked about stamp requirements but. STAMPS is awesome. She “must” be very talented.

For media and information look through this They do some really cool things there and the students tend to love the program but…

For most programs doing a cross transfer is not that hard. Ross is the one school it won’t work for. But look at the prequsites first. Come up with a plan with a counselor first. You might have to add a semester or year depending on what your trying to achieve. See if you can minor or something and achieve it within your program first…

Thanks for that… I hadn’t seen the UMSI profile and offerings. Although it does incorporate media, I fear the quantitative and technical demands (programming, data mining and analysis) may turn her off or scare her. I did notice they have course(s) in graphic design, which are right up her alley (SUPER creative type). She has explored and been admitted to other formal graphic design programs, but UM seems to straddle the fence in that SI is very quant-oriented and STAMPS uber-creative (which I love! pursue your passion - right?)

In any event, thanks for the info on cross school transfer, that is helpful. I will encourage her to enroll/register for a mixture of courses that give her some options to pursue either path…

Yep exactly. The transcript was sent immediately last Friday after the deferral (UM downloaded it that night as well) and ECI was in on Tuesday. May not get in but the sooner it was in the greater his odds, hopefully.

Talk to the school of information. Have a meeting. Don’t rule it out just yet. I know many people in there and they love this program. The “programming” might not be that intense it might be more basic then you thought. Employers are going after these students… Just saying since she has a creative mind and the students are kinda funky and cool from what I have seen. All very creative in thinking and ability.

I really don’t know but if it’s me… I want to increase my odds the best way I know how to. After that… It’s out of my control and now I would know I did everything possible to get in.
. BTW - Good Luck. I am pulling for your son, whatever that’s worth. Maybe just some positive MOJO? :wink:

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How does the rollout of decisions for Ross work? I’ve read there are 3 waves and not to be discouraged if you are not part of the first. At what point should you assume it’s a no…after all 3?

More or less. Some kids are taken late… Getting taken last means your still in Ross… Right?

BTW - at Michigan you don’t need Ross. It’s a great program no doubt but many non Ross kids get business jobs. Many of the Economics kids just got amazing jobs in Business… FYI.