University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

You’re “eligible” (for the lack of a better word) for any “wave,” including the 1st. As are those applicants who submitted their apps post 11/16/2020.

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I got the financial statement. They estimate I have to pay 54K for my out of state child. So goodbye Michigan. My child stats are very good and he doesn’t deserve to graduate with so much debt.


I am sorry that UM did not provide enough financial aid for your family. You and the other families have every right to express dismay with the offers.

I hope that you all do the right thing and decline your acceptances ASAP so that those of us with children in the deferred EA and RD pool can be considered.


To put it in perspective…many of us out-of-staters got a financial package that is full pay…so no aid at all. My kid’s stats are really high too. It has very little to do with what your student deserves and more to do with how U-M defines your need as an out-of-state attendee.


I think before any of us go and decline our acceptances, we should talk to the financial aid office to figure out if more aid is possible. Just because the aid estimate says what it says right now doesn’t mean it isn’t worth our effort to try to get more money. The “right thing to do” is most definitely NOT to decline our acceptances ASAP.

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I think what they were saying is if you know there is NO CHANCE your student will attend a particular school (maybe because you can’t afford it, maybe because of another reason), then go ahead and decline the offer.

I agree. If a student is high-stat, there are some schools that are known for offering lots of merit and need-based aid, and plenty of schools that are known for not offering a lot. Michigan is the latter. This isn’t new information, even though it may be disappointing.


I just feel that we as parents are so eager to put out kids in college that the banks, colleges, etc, take advantage of us. We have to play their game.

Does anyone know how the waves for Ross work? I know this week is the first wave. Will it only be acceptances or deny as well?

‘The game’ might mean attending a college that offers the right financial package. Some of them won’t, and I don’t think it means they are taking advantage of you, but they are using their resources differently than another school might.

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To all above. Michigan doesn’t offer a lot of OOS Merit but I posted several times the ones they do. Apply to them all.

But they do try to help with financial aid.

Always for any school recheck with the school first. They do make mistakes. Know of lots of people getting more then they assumed so it never hurts to call /email or check.

But if your 100 % sure the right thing to do is decline and move on to your other options.

How is Michigan taking advantage of you? Why do you deserve more financial aid? Isn’t the financial aid award just based on how much money you have saved and your current income? What am I missing?

Exactly. This is NOT the year (if there ever was) to hold on to acceptance letters if you or your child have no intention of going. The admissions environment this year is too chaotic for everyone.

Please make your appeals and do what you can, but if you have decided not to go, please do the right thing.

Our child has a spot at another state flagship school (with good merit money) but if he gets into UM, we are going to decline the offer ASAP so someone else can get that spot and use that money. That’s the right thing to do.


My daughter was deferred early action and decided not to write the LOCI essay as she will not attend if they accept her. By not writing the essay she is assuming she will not get accepted.

This statement is not true. Not true at all. LOCI is not mandatory, meaning she can still be accepted even without it. If she plans NOT to go, she should withdrew her application.


This is not true at all. If she’s not going to go the correct thing is to let them know so they can offer that to someone else. But heh, everyone has the right to hold on till May 1st. But why if you have a solid confirmed choice elsewhere?

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Your name is making me go get some bagels now… :joy:

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Zingermans! Or Russ and Daughters!

Well I live in Chicago but will be there in a month or so…

Deferred applicants have been accepted with and without the LOCI or the newer 250-word optional essay.

I agree with the sentiments above, if you know you will not attend any school, then you should decline the acceptance as quickly as possible.

Forget the bagels, I’m ready to scramble some eggs and add some Lox. :white_check_mark: