University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

@sushiritto @Knowsstuff ok but how is this different from @NovaLox stating that they will immediately decline if their child were to be accepted?

@NovaLox will decline their acceptance at another institution, IF Michigan accepts them. Nothing wrong with that.


does Michigan practice scholarship displacement? My estimated financial award was decent and would probably be affordable with an additional private scholarship that i will get.

I do agree to an extent. It’s indicative of how crazy and out-of-hand things have gotten when people are legitimately jealous of your 54k offer.

This is a few years old but look at the first article on page 3:

Sweet! looks like it won’t affect me considering my efc is 20k and michigan is asking for 50k lol.

@sushiritto ok I misread that.

Fingers crossed!! The only question I had is: What is U-M’s definition of EFC when determining your “gap”? Is it the fafsa EFC or some internally-determined EFC calculated by U-M using the CSS profile?

really hoping it’s the fafsa efc… i emailed fin aid office so we will see.

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does anyone know if the estimated financial award is usually higher or lower than the official one?

Thank you [DoingOurBest], my son got into Engineering and this University is asking me to pay for a brand new BMW 5-series every year for the next 4 years. I can’t afford a 3-series in 60 months payments. There’s something lost in translation here. If you see my FAFSA and CSS you’ll understand. Anyway, I’m not playing the loan game with the banks. No thanks. Somebody suggested me to appeal. For what? So they can lower the offer from 54k to 49,999?
That’s ok, he has some other better offers. Good luck to all the parents here. I’ll talk to my child and if he decides he’s not going to Michigan then I’ll ask him to withdraw his application to give a better chance to other students.


Thank you for your honesty with your son and with us.


Honestly, the tuitions for OOS are huge burdens for most families. It’s great that your son has better options. Good luck to him.


Yes, if my son gets into Michigan, he will immediately accept UM and decline the offer and merit $ from the other university. He has submitted the LOCI declaring that he will attend (using the original prompt, as we followed the advice on the board) and his senior year first semester grades have gone in.

I sympathize with families struggling with the money issue. I was only able to go to university in the 1980s because of generous financial aid. The donut (or should I say bagel) hole in financial aid is real for families, and is distorting the makeup of university populations.


@DoingOurBest - i just had a meeting with OFA, and they were very transparent about how they determine EFC. Basically, they look at BOTH CSS and FAFSA (generated from student aid report - SAR)… The difference between the two EFCs are generated was very small ($1,500), and they can opt to blend them (if far apart) or choose one that is more beneficial (if marginal). One is called Fed Method (FM) and other is the Institutional Method (IM)… The one thing they were not as helpful with was how the individual schools (Ross, Taubman, CoE, LSA, Stamps, etc.) may have independent opportunities to financially support incoming students. That will be the next step

@BC10012 - i asked this specific question. As long as you are confident that both the FAFSA and CSS profile questions were answered accurately, and that it reflects your true financial profile, then it should be the same. The one item that typically trips people up is whether/if there is a significant difference on deferred compensation, which they can verify from W-2s, so they will likely ask for those to confirm/verify a few basic items

Great info…thanks for reporting back!!

The financial aid office emailed me back and basically explained that they do not have the resources to meet the full financial need for OOS students. Basically, I just need to wait until scholarship decisions are out before making a decision. I agree with the people on here that those who know they won’t go to Michigan should withdraw their applications, but I actually really do want to have the chance to go here. It’s one of the best schools for BME, and it’s also probably the best school that I’m going to be admitted into because the rest of the decisions I’m waiting on are for extremely high reach schools. I feel guilty for hanging onto my acceptance on the off chance that Michigan becomes affordable in the future, but I hope it’s okay because if it does become affordable, I’d be really excited about the possibility of becoming a Wolverine.


I don’t believe this is accurate. My son had applied EA engineering and was deferred and did not receive anything regarding an interview, so not all deferred applicants received an email.

I totally agree. It is becoming increasingly hard to graduate debt-free nowadays and I wan’t to change that. The higher ups setting the playing field for this “game” went to college that on average costed 5k per year and they are so out of touch with our current generation that we can’t count on them to do anything helpful to our college debt crisis. College costs have went up about 150% while wages have went up about 6% so it’s just that colleges are becoming more expensive. Of course part of this is due to people not wanting to pay higher taxes BUT it is still a problem. I highly recommend you watch Hasan Minhaj’s testimony to Congress about student debt. My statistics came from his speech and I whole heartedly agree with him. Plus he is a comedian and it is very entertaining to watch him make good for nothing congress people look dumb.