University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I’m gonna need at least 3 part-time jobs to even make attending possible if this financial aid isn’t a mistake :sob:

No Idea if this is what’s happening or what UM normally gives but last summer college counselors and news reports were saying that there would be less financial aid to go around. I know at the Ivy League my daughter attends many students received substantially less this year than in prior years even though in some cases there was no change in income, and in many there was a decrease of income. Covid has only made college unaffordable for more students and Michigan with its huge endowment should do more to help students who really want to attend.

Any RD applicants got the Expression of Continued Interest email. It seems the U.Mich RD 2025 forum is quite slow right now so posting here. Also do all RD applicants get it.

They “do” make mistakes. Call them on Tuesday and have a talk (or parents)… This is why you always question your offers. But in the end if it’s not to be… Well I am sure you have great other options.

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It is not to their advantage to not help families out. I think the financial aid money is allocated separately so I don’t think covid has a huge affect on it. It will be interesting to see if more internationals are taken like UIUC does or if their basic ratios stay the same.

The reason Covid has had an impact is that more people need aid as more people are unemployed and the income gap has just widened. Schools have lost millions and public universities have been given less federal aid so there is less to dole out but more than qualify and need it. Many schools are need aware for Internationals so that’s how it impacts them. Less aid to give to internationals because they can control that. But, visa issues and coming into the country are still concerns for some where vaccines are an issue in those countries.

My son’s financial aid package is quite far off our EFC. Does UMich not meet financial need 100%?

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Our is the same. It is quite far off from the EFC. We have to pay almost close to double of EFC.

19th. Why today? Look at their site… I am from Chicago BTW… Lol. Good Luck

No I get it. I just have not heard of any major drop off in aid. This year from people I know I have seen the opposite and then stepping up to help. Every school will take a hit no question but Michigan is fortunate to be positioned nicely financially compared to lots of schools.

100%,“demonstrated” need… That’s the kicker… for Instate Michigan students.

I got so confused I thought today was the 19th lol ty

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@Knowsstuff - thanks, sorry…last question on FinAid, I promise…still somewhat new to this…

In part of the justification to them and providing all the documentation, is it possible to leverage the need-based component of the aid package from another institution?

In other words, my son’s school upped his need-based this year accordingly to the EFC formula you suggested in the USNWR article. My daughter’s (though she hasn’t matriculated there yet, was only accepted) was matched exactly. Makes sense, right? Same institution, same tax returns, same parents/income, different students… Michigan’s was less than half (even on a relative basis - i get we’re not comparing apples to apples), let alone the work study.

I would have thought the need-based is very formulaic across institutions. Merit i can completely see be very specific to the institution…

ETA: both institutions are advertised as 90%+ need-met

You can always try but they don’t really care. In demand universities have more students then they need to fill seats but be nice about it and being it to their attention. Like "can you help me understand why X gave us this but you are not. My daughter went to a small lac and we used this strategy and it payed off. Small lacs are easier to do this with. Big in demand schools will just go on to the next person. But ask and let us know… Like the worst they can say is no… Right?

and @anaray. I’m curious, are you using the FAFSA EFC, the CSS profile, or U Michigan’s net price calculator? I have found that the FAFSA EFC rarely corresponds to institutional definitions of “need,” or that “need” is covered by loans that need to be repaid. I don’t know how U Mich calculates financial aid but I remember helping a low-income friend with this a couple of years ago with some other schools. Let’s just say the process was very eye opening.

Does the financial aid office allow for appeals?

Agreed, can only ask and get denied, right?..I have a zoom scheduled Monday with their FAO to discuss options… I’m only hoping they’re a little more accommodating than the typical big state school and give us the “Next!” routine. My D has heart set and I’m trying to make her understand how this process works. My son’s school was VERY receptive and met us half way (which I appreciated immensely)

They run like a Private school not a typical Public since they aren’t a typical Public…

As far as appeals yes, yes, yes,… You and anyone else can always appeal but you need financial data to support it. Just can’t say I need more money need to show them why.

BTW - this is not my Forte at all… Just from seeing others experiences…

Good Luck and report back what they say but you and everyone needs to understand that everyone’s financial situation is different. Having multiple kids in college at the same time helps. Running your own small business is different then being employed. Etc etc. Making $250, 000 and living in California is much different then living in Iowa etc


FAFSA EFC was like 34000. I don’t know how to find EFC from CSS? The aid Michigan gave including the loans (!) was 14000 out of like 68000 I think.

Will all incoming freshmen to U of M be staying on campus or will it be virtual again?

So I was postponed early action, but almost every kid from my school gets postponed at Michigan and many end up getting accepted after. I sent in my LOCI just a couple of days after the decision, and I got in touch with our regional admissions rep from Michigan to express my interest. Since I tried to get everything done as early as possible, would I be able to hear a decision in the first round of RD, or are postponed applicants not in that pool? Thanks