University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

If you select and get into any llc then you will be on Central Campus. My son got his assignment late and was in West Quad or what I call the hotel. Really, really nice dorm… Also many, many engineering students live on central campus all 4 years. Others like my son didn’t really care and only lived on Central his freshman year.

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Thank you for that info! I’m relieved.

Oh got it, thank you!

Markley is slated for replacement. The hospital will be absorbing the site. And Michigan purchased a bunch of properties close to Central Campus, where they plan further expansion including new dorms.

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Plus… New apartments for University of Michigan students coming to Ann Arbor’s Main Street -

Ok, don’t get me wrong, South Quad dorms are not luxurious by any stretch! My son’s dorm was not as nice as the sample dorms they have in San Jac or Jester and it is a very far cry from Callaway or even Dobie! I think South Quad is considered a “good dorm” because it is in central campus near all the action and it has recently been updated (the common areas, and cafeteria, not necessarily the rooms themselves) and it has supposedly the best food (although this did not pan out with Covid because they could not take advantage of the updated common areas or cafeteria/food). I am pretty sure my son lived on take away chicken tenders for a month at least. And, no you cannot choose your dorm. I think you can rank your top choices, but I don’t know what goes into who gets what dorm other than the honors/learning communities that Knowsstuff mentioned. One thing I like about Michigan compared to the on campus dorms for UT is that they don’t play that game of putting down a housing deposit the second you submit your application. No matter if you get in the very first wave or off the waitlist, you have an equally good chance of getting the dorm you want–it’s more of a matter of chance than getting your deposit in on day 1. Lots of kids who are not engineering live on North Campus and lots of engineering kids live in central campus or the hill area. My main point is that I’ve read a lot of comments that make it seem like north campus is almost like being at a different school, and that is not really the case. People live on North Campus and have classes in central campus and people live on central campus and have classes on north campus. Honestly, if there are in person classes at all next year, my son will be thrilled no matter where the classes are!

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Thank you!

Amen to that - in person classes! I mean honestly, if your classes aren’t in person, it doesn’t matter where the heck one lives!

And, you said it…I had one live in Callaway which get real, what college kid needs to live like that, and then on the opposite end of the spectrum the other one lived in a dorm that I don’t think has been renovated in at least 50 years if that. The heat was on year round and my daughter didn’t even sleep under the covers until November last year!

Thank you. We will check it out with admissions and see if by chance they can attach the LOCI manually.

Thank you! This week has been a nightmare in Texas.

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We got to tour East Quad (MoJo and Stockwell too) during admitted student day, my D lived in West Quad and her friends lived in South Quad, so I saw them all.

I may be biased, but West Quad reminds me an Ivy League residential college as does East to a certain extent. But West’s rooms had AC and were larger. South and East have very good food. West Quad doesn’t have dining per se, but is connected to the Student Union, which has a bunch of restaurants, like Panda Express. South is huge and not the looker that East and West are.

I’d hope for West if it was me, but any of them would be awesome.

Thanks very much for your remarks. It truly has been difficult this week. In the end the LOCI may not may make much of a difference in my son’s case. Michigan was a bit of a reach for us. He can still look at it for graduate school later. I went to U of M for grad school and had a fantastic experience.


I’ll add, where you prefer NOT to be is Oxford or Fletcher, which are off to themselves and not really connected to Central Campus.

Yes, East and West Quad did look very nice from the outside. I did not get to see inside. I think all of the central campus dorms are coveted for their location. In any event, unless you are honors/learning community, I thinks it’s pretty much a crap shoot, and now my son is in a very nice apartment. It makes his dorm look like a prison cell, which, unfortunately, it kind of was.

The housing info on the UMich website internet song but doesn’t really give a flavor of what the individual ones are like :grinning: that being said any insight into West quad vs Mosher-Jordan?

I think anyone would choose West Quad over MoJo due to location, but I’ll double check with my son to see if he has any insight on it.

@DinaJo Congratulations on COE! I would not worry too much on freshman housing. Most freshman COE classes are not on North Campus anyhow. Plus you do not have much say. I do think as it gets closer using the UMich c/o 2025 Instagram page to find a roommate is great. No rush- better to wait until kids are fully committed. Especially if you would rather another Engineering major. COE defers a lot so many will not know until spring. Ironically they all worry freshman year then sophomore year they move off with friends and pay little attention to location proximity to North.

I hope he loves UMich! My OOS student met many friends 1st semester when the weather was great those first couple of months and dorm rules were more relaxed. His year has been different, but he is very happy.

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I stand corrected, MoJo is in a good location too and has the 2nd best dining hall after South Quad according to my experts. I still think West Quad dorms themselves might be nicer/newer, but sounds like both are in the good/desirable category. But as many have pointed out, it’s mostly luck of the draw on what dorm you get at UMich. Unless you are in a learning community or in honors, you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.

On here on CC look up Guide to Dorms for Michigan. Can’t copy the link for some reason. It’s a nice overview of the dorms. It’s dated but there is also things on Reddit.

My daughter was accepted for engineering … now she is looking at the learning communities and so far likes two to apply to - one in west quad and one at mosher so we were seeing if the dorm would sway things one way or any other ( day if one dorm was significantly better than the the other )

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