University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Women in my son’s tech group at Michigan love these. Nice way to meet people also

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Thanks !!
Lots of great options !!

The only small negative about MoJo is that you have a 10 ish min walk across the bridge to classes on Central Campus. When it’s cold, ya know the drill.

Besides the food being very good (we had breakfast at East and lunch at MoJo during admitted student day), the one huge advantage that MoJo offers is the BIG field right out your doorstep.

A great place to meet, play frisbee and hangout. And MoJo puts you fairly close to friends in Markley. It’s pretty close to a toss up for me. But West is closer to the IM building and a shorter walk to Greek Life and the Big House.

Can someone explain the PA Pharmacy program?

So some of us have wondered if postponed decisions might come out before April or before HAIL interviews or when they would come out. This may shed some light on that as this was part of an email my son received today for being prepared to hear from an alum interviewer for his HAIL interview.

“ Due to the timing of the admission process, it is possible that you may receive your final admission decision before your HAIL interview. If this is the case, you may choose whether or not you wish to continue with the process. HAIL is not tied to your admission decision.”

I found it helpful. Doesn’t mean he will head but it doesn’t mean he or others won’t hear beforehand but seems to imply there will be acceptances prior to April.


Thank you! He’s also waiting for his reach schools in April, but UMich will be a great option if those don’t pan out. He’s excited.

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My son was in the living/earning research community and loved living in Mosher-Jordan. His friends were envious of the location and Hill Dining Hall.

nevermind mine is back

my enrollment connect was unavailable

It opens as usual here.

Thank you so much for sharing this, that is really really helpful and hopefully good news!

Looking at the UMich Housing page, there are a number of Rate Types available which have different configurations (2-room triple, 2-room double, etc.) and there are different prices for each Rate Type categorization. Do these Rate Type categories correspond to the different dorms? Wondering if my son would be more likely to get into a West Quad dorm if he selected (if he is even allowed to select) a certain Rate Type. Is there a correlation?

There’s probably some correlation of room type to housing placement. I can’t speak for the entirety of West, East or South Quads, but I only saw 1-room doubles.

My son was in a single in South Quad, but I would not recommend that. At first, it seemed like being in a single was maybe a good thing with Covid and lots of online classes, and in that sense, maybe it was because my kid never got Covid (still hasn’t–knock on wood!) and he didn’t have to worry about simultaneously having online classes while a roommate also had online classes, but the isolation was awful. The risk and inconveniences that come with a roommate are worth it to me (my son would agree) to not be in solitary confinement. And who knows what the occupancy will be in the Fall? Right now, the few kids left in dorms are all singles whether their rooms are doubles or not. My son has been back to South Quad for food this semester and say that the dorms are very quiet, mostly unoccupied, and sad.


OK, I’m a bit confused. I don’t have enough information and will continue to scour the thread, but wouldn’t it be preferential (from a logistic standpoint) to live on North Campus (i.e. Baits, Bursly, etc) if your kid is in CoE, Music, Architecture, Stamps, etc.??

My D was admitted to Stamps and she knows that 3-4 of her classes each semester will be in studios on that campus. She was definitely concerned at first about living up on north campus for fear that it would be so isolated and not buzzing or vibrant like central campus. But some parents (not necessarily all on CC) have indicated she should consider living there so she’s not commuting so much to be in class. Others have argued that part of the experience of growing up and managing your own time (which I might agree, but maybe not as freshman) entails building this into your schedule, and that far more time is spent where you live than where you go to class…

I also think its different (maybe) for artists/designers/architects as you often need a studio to study/work in, and not necessarily a library or quiet place to read/think.

If anyone has any good resources (blogs, etc) to read on this, much appreciated

Here are a few to read:

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Did anyone else apply to LSA Honors? Think we hear back 3/4

apparently some decisions are coming out this friday? people seem to be speculating a lot though so idk

I agree with you 100%…very off-putting. My daughter was continuously deferred as well and had to keep showing continued interest. It wasn’t her number one so NBD, however, no other college did that. You don’t want me…I don’t want you either

Maybe someone who is a designer/artist/architect can give you some better insight. All I know is that my husband (who lived in Markley in the 90s and was an engineering major) and my son who is a current engineering freshman both said that being on central campus was preferable. My husband, particularly, said Bursley was a dump and said that if my son got Bursley, he would rather he lived in an apartment. I don’t remember if Baits is part of that too, but, from what I remember when they were talking through all this last year, the North dorms seemed to be less desirable (according to my husband) not only because they are not in the action, but also because they are old and run down. Again, that is my recollection, and I could be somewhat off. And, like I said about South Quad, it’s not exactly beautiful and modern, so if it is a good dorm and others are MORE run down, I can’t even imagine. The rooms seemed pretty run down and sad in South Quad compared to some other schools I’ve seen, but it is a good location and the main public areas and cafeteria have been recently updated. Some other central campus dorms looked nicer than South Quad on the outside, but I did not see inside any other dorms beside South Quad, so I can’t speak to that. There are quite a few videos of dorm tours (by students living there) on YouTube, so you can look for specific dorms. Another thing I seem to remember my husband saying last year is that if you want to live on North Campus and you request to live on North Campus, you are likely to get it (because most freshman would rather be on central campus). My son had friends in non-engineering majors who were on North Campus and he (as an engineering major) was on Central Campus. Most of this is moot for most kids though because unless you are in a learning community or honors, you do not have a choice in what dorm you get. I feel like there was a ranking system, and maybe if you WANT North Campus, it is easier to get your 1st choice. I am out of my depth here, so I will bow out. If you want to dm me, I can get some more specifics from my husband or son about a particular dorm–keeping in mind that my husband’s information is 25 years old and my son’s is limited by all the covid restrictions this year, but I will attempt to help if I can. I do have a friend with a freshman who is a dance major and lived on North Campus. I could ask her specific questions for you.